Is there any way i could make by default all job interruptible
Thanks !
Is there any way i could make by default all job interruptible
Thanks !
You would have to hard-code this into the submitters so that they specify this in the job info file:
Note though that if a job is mid-render when it is interrupted, that current render is lost.
yes i know that. Thanks
would there be a way to make all the job interruptible, but only if the job is under 80% completed ?
Thanks !
Hey Fred,
Unfortunately, this isn’t possible.
Is there any chance that would could put a setting saying you can only interrup this job only if the pool have an higher priority and do not care about the job priority ?
You would have to change the entire job scheduling order to achieve this: … b_Settings
I’m going to assume this is something you don’t want to do though.
The interrupible job feature is built on top of the existing scheduling system, so there would be some refactoring required to implement this. We can put it on the wish list, but odds are it won’t make it into the roadmap in the near term.
No problem, we are just looking at all the avenue
Thanks again !