Also, I don’t think a local lock (virus scanner, etc) would show up in that list.
A good tool for that is Process Monitor. … s/bb896645
You can filter the events for just files that are created in the repository folder. Handy!
Here is a new build. This build makes 10 attempts to move the temp folder to the jobs folder. In between each failed attempt, it sleeps for a bit longer. After the first failure, it will sleep for 1 second, then after the second failure, it will sleep for 2 seconds, etc. If the problem is truly random, then we would expect one of the 10 attempts to make it through successfully most of the time.
Let us know how it goes.
We ran this on 2 machines that had the problem consistently and this build succeeded every time. This was about 6-10 attempts per machine.
That’s good news! Are you guys able to join the 5.1 beta? We’ll be including this change in the upcoming beta 4 release, which we might be able to push out next week. You can just shoot an email to to get the ball rolling. They’ll just need a signed NDA, and then they’ll be able to grant you access to the beta board.
We can join the beta. NDA is no issue, we operate under more strict constraints all the time with classified video production.
So is there anything I can do now to get stuff working well for our artists?
Also what do I tell the IT people about the details of the problem(s)
Thanks for all your help!
Reading back through your last post it seems we may be resigned to this being random and just having code to work around the weirdness and we still don’t really know what is causing these symptoms? I am not sure it matters if that is the case but if it is I feel like we have not necessarily fixed it as much as bandaged it.
Yeah, I think all we can do at this point is treat the problem as a random occurrence, and just try to workaround it. We know that something is randomly locking something in the temp job folder, but we don’t know what. If it was Deadline doing something wrong, then I would expect that you would have seen this problem before Thursday last week, and I would also expect that other clients would have run into the same problem.
The problem could simply be network related. Maybe there are “hiccups” occurring that cause a brief outage during submission. It’s really hard to say. I have no problems making the change we did in the code though if that means Deadline becomes a little more robust in the end. I don’t think of it as a bandaid, but as added redundancy. 
So I would definitely recommend moving to the beta if you can.
I am going to continue to ask our IT people to track this down on our end. If we for guys ind anything I will pass it along. Thanks so much for accommodating what appears to be our issue in your code.
You guys are the best!
ok that last post was from my cell and had a lot of typos… 
here is how it should have read
I am going to continue to ask our IT people to track this down on our end. If we find anything I will pass it along. Thanks so much for accommodating what appears to be our issue in your code.
You guys are the best!