Max 2013 x64 InputGeometry Error

I am running Max 2013 x64 with the latest product update (4), and I grabbed the latest beta build to see if this was fixed but it is not. When adding a Magma Modifier to a PRT Volume or Loader, adding an InputGeometry Node and selecting an object from the scene I get the following error:

-- Error occurred in btn_node2_2.picked()
--  Frame:
--   obj: $Sphere001
--   allNodes: #($Sphere001)
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Unknown system exception <<

Is this a reproduce-able error for anyone else?

Could not reproduce.

Can you provide exact steps from an empty scene to the error including every mouse click you made including the making of the Sphere, the PRT Volume and its source. I want to try to follow the steps exactly. Unknown System Exception usually means MAXScript got crazy, not necessarily a bug in our codeā€¦