This is probably a bit premature, but we have deadline, frost and krakatoa and were wondering what we can expect as far as compatibility with max 2013?
can we just install these the way we did with max 2012 or do we need to wait for updates?
I realize this question probably should be in 3 different forums, feel free to correct me if I need to post each one separately.
Unfortunately, all plugins require a recompile to run in 3ds Max 2013.
We already have Frost and XMesh recompiled for 2013 (we posted them on the Max Beta so users could test them) and we will post them soon.
Krakatoa MX and Genome will require a point release.
Unfortunately, the situation with Deadline is more complicated due to a code change in Max 2013 and the next upcoming SP for Max 2012. Autodesk is aware of the issue and are working on providing a fix ASAP.
We are also planning to support Maya 2013 and Softimage 2013 in Deadline 5.2. We don’t have a firm release date yet, but we’re hoping to start the beta in a few weeks.
We haven’t tested with either yet, but based on our previous experiences with these two applications, updating the dlinit/param files is likely all that’s required. Of course, if you have any problems, let us know!
Yes, you have to edit the .param files as well. These files control how the settings in the dlinit files are displayed in the Configure Plugins window.