Max Command line render question

This may be a bit out of the scope of this forum, but perhaps someone can help me.

we are constructing a wall of 4 large televisions that will be connected to computers, these computers will aggregate a remote desktop manager view of 4 render nodes per monitor.
the goal here is for artists to be able to see the tasks as they render and for the rest of our team to see them as well so we can provide intermediate feedback to get bad jobs off the farm faster.

what i need to figure out how to do is to start up the Max render window maximized with the render content zoomed to fill the display.

anyone have any idea if this is possible?


Here is a screen grab of the setup

Do you want to maximise the Max render buffer window or/and the VRay frame buffer as well?

The window where the render preview is visible. I want the artists to see a maximized view of the render progress on the nodes.
I am not sure I am describing this well, my apologies.


I think the best way for supporting the std Max frame buffer would be to request a feature enhancement to the Deadline development team for an addition to the Lightning.dlx plugin.
At the moment, it has support for sending to the MaxSocket a Show/Hide Frame Buffer command.
You just need an extra call to tell the window if shown to also be “maximised”.