Max crashing due to

Ok so… eveything worked fine until , this morning I’ve started 3ds max and suddenlly I get this error now everytime I start max and Krakatoa its installed … krak its the only additional plugin that doesnt work now… (ive tried other version of krak but still) it doesnt support kraks , any ideea what could I do… I even reinstaled max …


Obviously you are running Windows in 32 bit, but it would be good to know what version(s) of Krakatoa you have tried. Did you try the latest open Beta build found here? … ilds-beta/

Can you also check the version of the files TBB.DLL and TBBMALLOC.DLL found in the root folder of 3ds Max?

The error message shows that there is a problem with MAXScript itself - it crashes with an unknown system exception, so we have very little to go by here. Once you report the version of Krakatoa and try to install 2.1.4, we might have to do some editing of the file found in the folder where the plugin is loaded from to understand where this error is happening. This is a new error for me - I have seen people having problem at startup, but it has always been due to misconfigured Krakatoa installation. In your case, things look ok and esp. since it was working earlier, something obviously happened to the system that wasn’t directly your fault…

Thanks for your patience!

Ok so… yea I have win 32 . max 10… I tried the 1.6 one , the Krakatoa_MX_2.0.1.46319 (wich I mostly used)… and this the last one… Still the same error … I repaired my windows now , to be sure …I was getting some ramdom max ram crashes , but krak always worked … sometimes I would get the “bad allocation error” in the middle of a render but I would just restart max and it would worked fine …
The tbb.dll file its 2.1 version

Let’s try some basic debugging to ensure nothing else is affecting it. Note that it is MAXScript that is failing, not Krakatoa the plugin. So the problem could be anywhere in Max, not necessarily in Krakatoa.

To start, can you please open the plugin.ini file and remark with ; ALL other plugins except for the Krakatoa entry and the ThinkboxSchematicControl (for v2) or the Helium entry if using 1.6. Then try to start Max and see if it still causes the same issue. I want to ensure that it is not the combination of Krakatoa and another plugin (like Afterburn or VRay) that is in the root of the problem.

If it still crashes, we can look further. If it does NOT fail, start enabling the other plugins one by one by removing the ; remark and see when it will start failing again.

Yea it still crashes … same error with or without the other plugins…
Like expected if I remove the from the thinkbox/scrips folder ,max starts but like expected doesnt find the gui so…
I also tried to remove the krakatoaGUi path from krakstartup but yea , max starts but like expected the gui its not there so krakrender doesnt work…
I also tried to edit “global KrakatoaGUIOpeningManually = false” to “true” but this makes my max crash without giving that error …

What happens if you remove the from the start up script, but you run it manually after Max has started?
Does it at least show you the line where the unknown system exception occurs?

Basically at this point we are not trying to make it work again, but understand why it does not work. So any hint about the place in the script that it fails at would be great!

mda… sorry my Windows crashed this morning and I had to format it … and now Krakatoa works fine… sorry for disturbance …it had something to do with my windows … but thanks alot for trying .

No problem, glad you figured it out!
It had to be something system-related, otherwise more people would have experienced it…