Max error

Hi Ryan

I have a max file that is giving me a error of “The maximum number of open Parameter Wire dialogs has been reached” when I open the file.
When I send this file to deadline I have the same error, but can’t pass this.
Is there a way to make deadline ignore this error?

Mario (1.55 KB)

Hey Mario,

We can add a popup handler to take care of this dialog. I’m not in the office today, but if you want to zip up and post your \your\repository\plugins\ file, I’ll make the fix when I get a chance and re-post it.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan

Thanks for your help, I manage to fix the problem with the wire parameters inside max.
I thought that this kind of problem didn’t needed reprograming the max plugin.
Would be great if deadline had a “ignore all dialog popups on max start” as it has a “ignore missing dll erros” :smiley:


Cool, glad to hear you got it working. We’ll add the fix to handle this popup in a future release. We can’t really add an “ignore all” option because some dialogs are blocking, and require that a button be pressed before rendering can continue. When we start up max in slave mode, we actually pass on the “quiet” option, which suppresses most of the dialogs max would display. Unfortunately, not all dialogs “listen” to this setting. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan