Max install location

I have my workstation (2x xeon), plus another box (1x amd). I intend to setup workstation as both submitter & slave but the amd just as a slave. I’m having problems trying to configure the plugins.

On workstation max is in ‘E:\program files\3dsmax2009’ (64bit), however on the amd box it is located in ‘C:\prog…\autodesk\3dsmax2009’ (32bit). the amd needs to have the application installed there as it is not have a second hdd

When I go to configure plug-ins on monitor app, I can only choose either one directory or the other, I can’t see anywhere to tell deadline that 3ds is installed in a different location on each computer. Both computers talk to each other, and I can get it to render on one or the other, but not both at the same time. I’ve also tried listing both locations separated by ; but when I try to render it chooses the first location off the list and ignores the other slave.

Hope you can help me out, this is really my first attempt at setting up multiple render machines


I think you sent this to our support mailing list too. :slight_smile: Here’s the response I had sent you:

For the paths, you can separate multiple paths in the plugin configuration with a semicolon, and Deadline will use whichever it finds first. In your case, the 2009 executable setting would look something like this:

E:\program files\3dsmax2009\3dsmax.exe;C:\prog...\autodesk\3dsmax2009\3dsmax.exe

To render the same image across multiple machines, you’ll want to use the tile rendering feature, which is under the Tiles tab in the 3dsmax submission script.


  • Ryan