Max Submit to Deadline Bug

The Submit to Deadline dialog doesn’t refresh when you open a file or reset etc.

What are you looking to get refreshed? If I’m not mistaken, the only setting in the max submission dialog that the current scene may affect is the job name, and you can use the ‘<<’ button to reset this to the scene file name at any time.


  • Ryan

I would expect all non-sticky settings to revert to default or scene default as well.

For 3dsmax, the submission dialog settings are stored in a config file on the workstation, and are not specific to any individual scene. So with the current setup, reverting back to the factory defaults wouldn’t be a good solution, because you would always have to reconfigure the settings every time you load a scene.

There probably is a way to store the Deadline options within the scene file, but that’s something we haven’t looked at yet.


  • Ryan

I guess then I would still expect it to update the Job Name though.

I can’t think of a situation where I would want the job name from a previous file to stick when I open a new max file.

Yeah, makes sense. We were able to use some maxscript callbacks to detect when the scene is reset, loaded, or saved. When this happens, the job name will be updated accordingly. This will be included in the 3.1 release.


  • Ryan