Just noticed in the Max2011 maxscript changes log, that a new(refined) interface has been exposed for the logging of messages during rendering - “Interface: renderMessageManager” (maxscript.chm)
Previously I had asked about hooking into this interface and allowing deadline to capture this information in its STDOUT / ERROUT messaging system. Although this information is not written to the render progress dialog durng rendering, could you please re-consider this request as it may now be possible via the Max SDK / Lighting DeadlineUtil to hook into this information as the render message manager seems to be a generic interface and not just for MR rendering. ie: Just tested and the following renderers are now pushing lots of information to this generic message manager:
This new interface also has various levels of info, ie: progress, info, full_debug, so would also be good to have control over these settings via SMTD (just checked and available via MXS)
It would be great to encourage Krakatoa and VRay to also follow suit so ALL log message are pushed through the same system?