Maxwell Co-operative Rendering

Is it possible to send Maxwell Co-operative renderings through Deadline, and if so how is it done?



Hi Chris,

Unfortunately, this is not supported at the moment. Currently, only one

machine can work on one render at a time.


Hi Ryan!

I’m wondering, is it possible to submit it to multiple machines so each will render with a different seed/cpuid.

This would enable us to combine them together afterwards using mxcl and would effectively be the same as a co-operative render.


Josh. < :

Hi Josh,

That sounds interesting. Do you know if this is possible using the

mxcl.exe to render with a different seed/cpuid? If there is a command

line argument to do this, than you suggestion sounds like a possible

solution. You’ll have to forgive me because I don’t have much experience

with Maxwell. :slight_smile:


Hi Ryan,

Yes, there is a command switch

mxcl -idcpu:id

I’ve just been reading on the Next Limit website and apparently this value is now generated randomly on each server.

I’ve asked Mihai to confirm this, and also suggested a commandline to merge them would be useful to! would this enable deadline to merge mxi’s as well?

If we could submit a single job to DL on multiple machines, then each machine would generate an MXI file that could be merged manually using the standard MXS tools, creating a co-operative rendering.

Let me know if i can help further!


Hi Josh,

Thanks for the info. The command line ability to merge the images would

work well, as we could submit a job with a post job script to merge the

image once all the main tasks are complete.

We’re going to be reworking our Maxwell plugin for the next Deadline

release (beta should start soon), and I think this would be a good time

to try this out. If I need anything else from you, I’ll let you know!
