maxwell flags ignored

How can I know which flags are ignored in the from maya-maxwell renderer?
I mean, some flags from maya-maxwell plugin are beeing exported wrongly.
These flags are new in the new version of the plugin.
Could you check this? thanks

Ok, as same as I noted in this thread viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4325&p=17569&hilit=maxwell#p17569, the flag -sep is ignored in the command line.
I try to override the value of the flag in the same way and works fine too for this flag.
Could you revise for next updates the full list of flags supported?
Thanks a lot guys.

Here are the maxwell-specific flags we currently pass to the maxwell renderer for Maya:

-nt: Number of threads
-rt: Per-frame render time in minutes
-sl: Maximum sampling level
-x: X resolution
-y: Y resolution

In the next release, as per the thread you referred to, we will be adding this in the case were non-interactive licenses will be used:

-cmd -node

I would expect that if we aren’t passing a specific flag in the command line that Maxwell would use the default value specified in the maya scene file. Does this not appear to be the case? Also, what does the -sep flag do? I don’t see this option in the Maxwell for Maya command line usage, or in the Maxwell standalone command line usage. I have maxwell 2.0 installed.


  • Ryan