maya 2009 crash when i send a jod

i use the deadline 2.7 and it works just fine (with maya 8.5)

but when i update to deadline 3.0 with maya 2009 ., i start to having some problems

i cant send a job from the maya shelve inside maya because i click the send botton and start to send the job but sudenly maya crash


i nedd to send the jod via deadline monitor ,…, and with this option it works fine.,.

any idea or sugestions?

zorry for my bad english 0_o

Do you know if Maya dumps an error log anywhere? If it does, hopefully it will contain some information to explain the crash. Also, a couple other questions:

  1. Did you upgrade to Deadline 3.0 or 3.0 SP1?
  2. When you upgraded, did you reinstall the integrated maya submission script as explained here? … tsetup.php


  • Ryan

About if maya drup somenthing ,…, just can find a mayaRenderLog…
orr i dont know were can i find the error log… =(

about the questions

  1. yes i test upgrading to deadline 3.0
    then i unistall and upgrade to deadline 3.0 sp1
    here is one thing., i dont try to upgrade to 3.0 and then to 3.0 sp1 (let me try if doing this .,.,works

  2. and yes i reinstall the integrated maya submission script

Is there anything in your temp folder? On XP, this would likely be C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp, which USERNAME is the logged in user.

The second post on this thread I found mentions a way to enable crash reporting in Maya, so that might help get some more information too: … 42501.html


  • Ryan

ii justtt goinggg crazyyy… i search evereywere and nothing…,…

here is the only thing i notice little wierd

if i set the project localy (H:blsblaaaa/blablaaa) the sumbiterr worksss just fine

But if i set the project from de network (\H\blablaaaa) thats were maya crashhhhh.,.

but i dont know what to do because if i send the job from de job monitor… on the network ., worksss

i used maya 2009 in a windos server 2003 (enterprise)
with the deadline 2.7 and maya 8.5 in the same pc …,everything workks fineeee

tanks a lot deadline jedi’s master

zorry for my bad english =P
nice day

We’re really not sure why Maya isn’t liking the UNC path. We use them here all the time for our tests, and they work fine. We just released Deadline 3.1 a couple of weeks ago, so maybe you could try upgrading to that version to see if the problem still persists.


  • Ryan

tanks a lottt rrussell… if i find any answer .,about this problem., i post it,.,.

tabks for your time

i upgrade to deadline 3.1.,.,. replace the InitDeadlineSubmitter and the userSetup…,.,.

Here is the new error i get.,…, now maya dont crash but say another thing.,.,

This looks like a familiar problem where the maya “system” melscript command doesn’t support special characters. We use the “system” command to run deadlinecommand.exe to get Deadline information and submit jobs. You’re the second person to report this problem, and it looks like we may have to find an alternative to the “system” command to query this information.

Hopefully we can find a workaround for the 3.1 service pack release that should be out around the end of May.


  • Ryan

okkk,., i ll wait for the service pack.,.

tanks a lot