Maya 2012 - completed render with no image

i have this problem with maya 2012. i submit the job from the monitor, and after few seconds it says Render completed, but i can’t find any image, on the local machine or in the network.
here is the log

Thanks in advanced

Scheduler Thread - Successfully mapped X: to \ROGUE\RenderDIR
Scheduler Thread - Synchronizing job files
Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for job files: 4.009 s
Scheduler Thread - Synchronizing plugin files
Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for plugin files: 202.8 ms
Constructor: MayaBatch
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: Untitled (999_050_999_27e6053a)
0: Successfully mapped X: to \ROGUE\RenderDIR
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin MayaBatch
0: INFO: About: Maya Batch Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2012.0
0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process MayaBatch
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “READY FOR INPUT” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “FLEXlm error: ." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "Finished Rendering.
.([0-9]+).[^.]+” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Finished Rendering.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “Constructing shading groups|Rendering current frame” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Error: .|.Warning: .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +rendered” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +computing final gather points” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: writing image file .* (frame ([0-9]+))” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +rendering finished” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Completed frame*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame 100.00.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Render complete.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Percentage of rendering done: (.)" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ".
[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.RIMG : +([0-9]+)%" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Building light cache
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Prepass ([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+)
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Rendering image*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+) %” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+) % completed” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Updating frame at time ([0-9]+)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Render complete” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] ([0-9]+) percent” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.entry point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Entry Point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history settings.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Not enforcing a build of Maya
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin\MayaBatch.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -prompt -file “C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Nave_011.mb” -proj “X:/Crystal/”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 210
0: INFO: Waiting until maya is ready to go
0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 2012
0: STDOUT: mental ray: version, Feb 2 2011, revision 138829
---- June 06 2012 – 06:36 PM ----
0: STDOUT: File read in 4 seconds.
0: STDOUT: Result: C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Nave_011.mb
0: INFO: Rendering with file
0: INFO: Rendering to local drive, will copy files and folders to final location after render is complete
0: INFO: Creating melscript to execute
0: INFO: Script contents:
0: INFO:
// Starting Mel program

proc renderIt(string $name) {

string $rl=""; string $rp="";select defaultRenderGlobals; setAttr .renderAll 1; float $resize=-1.;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .animation; setAttr .animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .startFrame; setAttr .startFrame 210;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .animation; setAttr .animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .endFrame; setAttr .endFrame 210;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .byFrameStep; catch(setAttr .byFrameStep 1);

workspace -rt “images” “C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempjGngW0”; workspace -rt “depth” “C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempjGngW0”;

setMayaSoftwareLayers($rl, $rp); setImageSizePercent($resize); mayaBatchRenderProcedure(0, “”, “”, “”, “”);


// Main part

string $sceneName = “C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Nave_011.mb”;

string $checkScene = file -q -sn;
if ($checkScene=="") {
error (“Cannot load scene. Please check the scene name.\n”);
} else if (catch(renderIt($sceneName))) {
error (“Render failed.\n”);
} else {
print (“Render completed.\n”);

// Ending Mel program

0: INFO: Executing script: C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp91EC.tmp
0: INFO: Waiting for script to finish
0: STDOUT: mel: initMPS with licenseOption 0
0: STDOUT: mental ray: got 8 satellite CPUs.
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG: no shader assigned in material” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG: no shader assigned in material
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG1: no shader assigned in material” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG1: no shader assigned in material
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.3 warn : mia_material(_x): Refractive falloff is used, but the shadow mode is not set to ‘Segment’.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.3 warn : Due to this, the falloff will be fixed, and not be influenced by distance.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.3 warn : This can look as good, but is not as physically accurate.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.3 warn : If distance-dependent falloff is desired, the ‘Segment’ mode must be used.
0: STDOUT: Render completed.
0: INFO: Moving output files and folders from C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempjGngW0 to X:/Crystal/images
Scheduler Thread - notification targets…

The first thing to try is to select the renderer you are rendering with in Maya, instead of leaving on the default “file” option. This has been known to help sometimes. If it doesn’t, please post the new job log and we’ll have a look.


  • Ryan

thanks for the quick reply, i tried to choose directly mentalray in the submit windows but the result is the same, render complete without images.
here is the log :slight_smile:
is quite bigger than the first, and i have deleted some “0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: …” because was to long.

Scheduler Thread - Successfully mapped X: to \ROGUE\RenderDIR
Scheduler Thread - Synchronizing job files
Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for job files: 3.978 s
Scheduler Thread - Synchronizing plugin files
Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for plugin files: 31.2 ms
Constructor: MayaBatch
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: Untitled (999_050_999_3f9d1ccc)
0: Successfully mapped X: to \ROGUE\RenderDIR
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin MayaBatch
0: INFO: About: Maya Batch Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2012.0
0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process MayaBatch
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “READY FOR INPUT” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “FLEXlm error: ." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "Finished Rendering.
.([0-9]+).[^.]+” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Finished Rendering.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “Constructing shading groups|Rendering current frame” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Error: .|.Warning: .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +rendered” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +computing final gather points” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: writing image file .* (frame ([0-9]+))” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +rendering finished” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Completed frame*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame 100.00.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Render complete.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Percentage of rendering done: (.)" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ".
[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.RIMG : +([0-9]+)%" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Building light cache
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Prepass ([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+)
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Rendering image*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+) %” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+) % completed” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Updating frame at time ([0-9]+)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Render complete” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] ([0-9]+) percent” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.entry point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Entry Point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history settings.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Not enforcing a build of Maya
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin\MayaBatch.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -prompt -file “C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Nave_011.mb” -proj “X:/Crystal/”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 210
0: INFO: Waiting until maya is ready to go
0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 2012
0: STDOUT: mental ray: version, Feb 2 2011, revision 138829
0: STDOUT: File read in 4 seconds.
0: STDOUT: Result: C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Nave_011.mb
0: INFO: Rendering with mentalray
0: INFO: Rendering to local drive, will copy files and folders to final location after render is complete
0: INFO: Creating melscript to execute
0: INFO: Script contents:
0: INFO:
// Starting Mel program

proc renderIt(string $name) {

string $opt=""; string $rl=""; string $rp=""; int $renderThreads = 2; float $resize=-1.; miLoadMayatomr; miCreateDefaultNodes(); select defaultRenderGlobals; setAttr .renderAll 1;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .animation; setAttr .animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .startFrame; setAttr .startFrame 210;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .animation; setAttr .animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .endFrame; setAttr .endFrame 210;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .byFrameStep; catch(setAttr .byFrameStep 1);

workspace -rt “images” “C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempSNP5R0”; workspace -rt “depth” “C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempSNP5R0”;

global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_NumThreadAutoOn = true; global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_NumThreadAuto = true;
global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_MemLimitAutoOn = true; global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_MemLimitAuto = true;
global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_VerbosityOn = true; global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_Verbosity = 5;

setMayaSoftwareLayers($rl, $rp); miCreateMentalJobs(); setImageSizePercent($resize); mayaBatchRenderProcedure(0, “”, “”, “mentalRay”, $opt);


// Main part

string $sceneName = “C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Nave_011.mb”;

string $checkScene = file -q -sn;
if ($checkScene=="") {
error (“Cannot load scene. Please check the scene name.\n”);
} else if (catch(renderIt($sceneName))) {
error (“Render failed.\n”);
} else {
print (“Render completed.\n”);

// Ending Mel program

0: INFO: Executing script: C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp29BB.tmp
0: INFO: Waiting for script to finish
0: STDOUT: mel: initMPS with licenseOption 0
0: STDOUT: mental ray: got 8 satellite CPUs.
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : optimize animation detection: done 453 animated nodes
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.0 info : heap size limit set to 5942 MB
0: STDOUT: Info: (mental ray) : number of render thread(s): 24
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr) : render layer defaultRenderLayer
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : custom string options found
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global approximation settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global displacement settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update lights and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Sun_light
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update cameras and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update geometry and materials
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Box001:Box001Shape
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_columns
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck2_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck2_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_railings_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck_1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_stairs_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_windows_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck4_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck04_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck04_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck04_windows1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Object15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_front_lights
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts3_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck3_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck3_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck3_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck03
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_control_cabin_windows_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_windows_29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__top_deck_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_q
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box63
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__glass_things_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_separators
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element_antennes
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Rectangle28
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Sphere05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Rectangle31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_misc
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_navigation_equip
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_middle_pool_boarders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_middle_pool_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_sliding_roof_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_sliding_roof_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_tennis_court
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_topdeck_windows
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_railings_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_chimney_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_main_logo
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck__tennis_lamps_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_chimney
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_lamps
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Plane102
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Line07
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_06
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_BODY
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_body_engine
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Body_front_propelllers
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__1_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Body_items_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_frontdeck_fence_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_frontdeck_fence2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck_0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_back_doors
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_back_items
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_railings_deck0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_stairs_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Back_Lamps
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_windows_deck0
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_liferafts_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__LIFE_RAFT_PAIR_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder09
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_25
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_26
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_30
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_32
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_33
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_34
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_35
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_42
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_43
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_44
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_45
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_46
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_47
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update texture reference objects
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : custom string options found
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global approximation settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global displacement settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update lights and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Sun_light
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update cameras and related shaders
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update geometry and materials
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Box001:Box001Shape
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG: no shader assigned in material” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG: no shader assigned in material
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG1: no shader assigned in material” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG1: no shader assigned in material
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_columns
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck2_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck2_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_railings_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck_1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_stairs_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_windows_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck4_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck04_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck04_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck04_windows1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Object15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_front_lights
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts3_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck3_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck3_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck3_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck03
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_control_cabin_windows_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_windows_29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__top_deck_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_q
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box63
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__glass_things_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_separators
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element_antennes
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Rectangle28
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Sphere05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Rectangle31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_misc
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_navigation_equip
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_middle_pool_boarders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_middle_pool_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_sliding_roof_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_sliding_roof_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_tennis_court
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_topdeck_windows
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_railings_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_chimney_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_main_logo
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck__tennis_lamps_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_chimney
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : place2dTexture5.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : place2dTexture5.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : place2dTexture5.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_lamps
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Plane102
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Line07
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_06
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_BODY
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_body_engine
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Body_front_propelllers
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__1_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Body_items_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_frontdeck_fence_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_frontdeck_fence2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck_0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_back_doors
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_back_items
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_railings_deck0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_stairs_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Back_Lamps
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_windows_deck0
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_liferafts_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__LIFE_RAFT_PAIR_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__LIFE_RAFT_PAIR_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_liferafts_crane1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__liferaft_small_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_front_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_front_deck_item1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_front_pool
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__safebouy_01
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo2_02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_01
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_03
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_06
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_07
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_08
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_09
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_19
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_25
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_26
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_27
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_28
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_30
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_32
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_33
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_34
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_35
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_36
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_37
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_38
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_39
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_40
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_41
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_42
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_43
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_44
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_45
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_46
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_47
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_48
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_49
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_50
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_51
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_52
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_53
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_54
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_55
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_56
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_57
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_58
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_59
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_60
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_61
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_62
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_63
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_64
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_65
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_67
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_69
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_71
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_73
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_75
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_77
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_79
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_81
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_83
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_85
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_87
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_88
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_89
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_90
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_91
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_92
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_93
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_94
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_95
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_96
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_97
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_98
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_99
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_100
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_101
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_102
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_103
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_104
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_105
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_106
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_107
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_108
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_109
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_110
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_111
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_112
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_113
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_114
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_115
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_116
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_117
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_118
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_119
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_120
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_121
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_122
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_123
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_124
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_125
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_126
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_127
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_128
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_129
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_192
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_193
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_194
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_195
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_196
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_197
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_176
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_177
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_178
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_179
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_180
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_181
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_182
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_183
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_184
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_185
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_186
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_187
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_198
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_199
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_01
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_03
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_06
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_07
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_08
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_09
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_19
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_19
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder09
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_25
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_26
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_30
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_32
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_33
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_34
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_35
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_42
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_43
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_44
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_45
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_46
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_47
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : render camera: Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.2 info : total memory: 8182 Mb
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.2 info : free memory : 5385 Mb
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : in scanline mode lens shaders may not modify rays
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 progr: begin scene preprocessing for frame 210
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : 385 geometry leaf instances (385 scheduled, 0 cached, 0 shared)
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : 1 light leaf instance
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.21 for scene preprocessing
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : allocated 379 MB, max resident 379 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : scene extent: (33.87,142.22,-1.61) : (57.52,148.33,2.20)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: scanline on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: trace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: trace depth reflection 4, refraction 4, sum 8
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: acceleration bsp2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: shadow on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: shadow maps (use) (recompute)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: lightmap on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: motion on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: shutter 0 0
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: time contrast 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: motion steps 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: luminance weights 0.212671 0.71516 0.072169
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: caustic off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: globillum off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalgather on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. mode multiframe
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. points 500
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. rays 500
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: rebuild on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. depth reflection 1, refraction 1,
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: diffuse 0, total 2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. secondary scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: samples min 1, max 3
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: contrast 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05, all buffers
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: jitter 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: filter gauss 3 3
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: face both
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: hair on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: task size 64
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: pixel preview off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: lens on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: volume on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: geometry on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: displace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: premultiply on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: colorclip raw
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: output on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: merge on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: texture cache local
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: limit dynamic
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: fb mem management mapped
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: type filter name
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgba_h yes mayaGlow
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgba_h yes BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes AMB:Pass_Ambient.Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : z yes CAMZ:Pass_Depth.Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes DIFF:Pass_Diffuse.Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : m yes MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes SHD:Pass_Shadow.Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgba_h yes mayaColor
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: focal length 0.59055
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: aperture 0.792126
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: aspect 1.77778
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: resolution 1280 720
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: clip 0.1 1e+009
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: frame 210 210 0
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 progr: scheduling precomputing final gather jobs
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 progr: begin intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : rendering with motion blur
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : using scanline for eye rays
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : using BSP2 for secondary rays
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : mayabase version 10.8, compiled on Mar 11 2011.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 progr: end intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.58 for intersection prep.
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : allocated 392 MB, max resident 392 MB
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 progr: computing final gather points
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.9 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/colour body2.jpg, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.10 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/HDR/New_clouds_fromVUE.hdr, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.24 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/wood_type1.jpg, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/deck_wood2.jpeg, for reading
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.21 warn : mia_material(_x): Refractive falloff is used, but the shadow mode is not set to ‘Segment’.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.21 warn : Due to this, the falloff will be fixed, and not be influenced by distance.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.21 warn : This can look as good, but is not as physically accurate.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.21 warn : If distance-dependent falloff is desired, the ‘Segment’ mode must be used.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.25 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/dark.jpg, for reading
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 info : map cache size set to 1287 MB
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.19 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/CS_logo.jpeg, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/colour Lblue.jpg, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/flags.jpeg, for reading
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finished computing final gather level 2 (pass 1 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finished computing final gather level 1 (pass 2 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finished computing final gather level 0 (pass 3 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : depth #finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 0 1595
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 1 34
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 2 33
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 3 and higher 4
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : ray type number
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : eye 76062
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : reflection 119218
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : refraction 7594
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : shadow 90719
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : environment 36868
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finalgather 372337
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : balancing updated finalgather map (1666 points)
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.08 for building the BVH for map 0
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 info : allocated 830 MB, max resident 838 MB
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:20.39 for computing finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : allocated 829 MB, max resident 838 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 progr: rendering shadow maps
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 progr: rendering finished
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:21.02 for rendering
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : allocated 649 MB, max resident 838 MB
0: STDOUT: GAPM 0.2 info : triangle count (including retessellation) : 4847204
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : Reflection rays skipped by threshold: 92195
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : Refraction rays skipped by threshold: 1477
0: STDOUT: Render completed.
0: INFO: Moving output files and folders from C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempSNP5R0 to X:/Crystal/images
Scheduler Thread - notification targets…
Scheduler Thread - IROMAN
0: INFO: Ending Maya Job
0: INFO: Waiting for Maya to shut down
0: INFO: Maya has shut down

Thanks for testing that! Mental ray isn’t printing out any errors that catch my eye, nor is it printing out any information about writing the actual output files. The next thing to try is to submit the job with the “Use MayaBatch” option disabled. This will result in a standard command line render, and is a debugging test to see if our MayaBatch plugin is doing anything wrong. After the render, if nothing is still written out, please post the new log. We’ll then use that log to figure out the command line that Deadline is using, and get you to test it from a command prompt. This is a test to see if the problem is a Maya issue or a Deadline issue.


  • Ryan

Hi, i just did this other test but same issue.
here is the log.

Scheduler Thread - Successfully mapped X: to \ROGUE\RenderDIR
Scheduler Thread - Synchronizing job files
Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for job files: 3.697 s
Scheduler Thread - Synchronizing plugin files
Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for plugin files: 46.8 ms
Constructor: MayaCmd
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: Untitled (999_050_999_01bb6d3a)
0: Successfully mapped X: to \ROGUE\RenderDIR
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin MayaCmd
---- June 07 2012 – 04:10 PM ----
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “FLEXlm error: ." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "Usage: Render .
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “Finished Rendering..([0-9]+).[^.]+" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Finished Rendering.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “Constructing shading groups|Rendering current frame” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Error: .|.Warning: .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +rendered” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +computing final gather points” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "progr: writing image file .
(frame ([0-9]+))” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +rendering finished” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Completed frame*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame 100.00.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Render complete.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Percentage of rendering done: (.)" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ".
[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.RIMG : +([0-9]+)%" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Building light cache
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Prepass ([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+)
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Rendering image*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+) %” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+) % completed” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Updating frame at time ([0-9]+)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Render complete” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] ([0-9]+) percent” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.entry point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Entry Point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history settings.” will be ignored
0: INFO: About: Maya Cmd Plugin for Deadline
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 210
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Not enforcing a build of Maya
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin\Render.exe”
0: INFO: Rendering to local drive, will copy files and folders to final location after render is complete
0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2012.0
0: INFO: Rendering with Mental Ray
0: INFO: Render Argument: -r mr -v 5 -art -aml -s 210 -e 210 -b 1 -rd “C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\jobsData\mayaOutput_tempenMRR0” -proj “X:/Crystal” “C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\jobsData\Nave_011.mb”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: Starting “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin\mayabatch.exe”
0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 2012
0: STDOUT: mental ray: version, Feb 2 2011, revision 138829
0: STDOUT: File read in 4 seconds.
0: STDOUT: Result: C:/Users/renderfarm/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Nave_011.mb
0: STDOUT: initMPS with licenseOption 0
0: STDOUT: mental ray: got 8 satellite CPUs.
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : optimize animation detection: done 453 animated nodes
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.0 info : heap size limit set to 5943 MB
0: STDOUT: Info: (mental ray) : number of render thread(s): 24
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr) : render layer defaultRenderLayer
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : custom string options found
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global approximation settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global displacement settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update lights and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Sun_light
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update cameras and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update geometry and materials
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Box001:Box001Shape
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_columns
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck2_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck2_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_railings_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck_1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_stairs_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_windows_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck4_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck04_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck04_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck04_windows1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Object15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_front_lights
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts3_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck3_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck3_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck3_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck03
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_control_cabin_windows_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_windows_29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__top_deck_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_q
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box63
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__glass_things_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_separators
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element_antennes
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Rectangle28
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Sphere05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Rectangle31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_misc
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_navigation_equip
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_middle_pool_boarders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_middle_pool_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_sliding_roof_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_sliding_roof_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_tennis_court
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_topdeck_windows
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_railings_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_chimney_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_main_logo
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck__tennis_lamps_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_chimney
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_lamps
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Plane102
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Line07
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_06
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_BODY
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_body_engine
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Body_front_propelllers
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__1_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Body_items_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_frontdeck_fence_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_frontdeck_fence2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck_0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_back_doors
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_back_items
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_railings_deck0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_stairs_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Back_Lamps
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_windows_deck0
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_liferafts_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__LIFE_RAFT_PAIR_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__LIFE_RAFT_PAIR_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_liferafts_crane1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__liferaft_small_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_front_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_front_deck_item1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_front_pool
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__safebouy_01
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo2_02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_01
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_03
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_06
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_07
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_08
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_09
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_19
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_25
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_26
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_27
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_28
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_30
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_32
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_33
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_34
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_35
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_36
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_37
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_38
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_39
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_19
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder09
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_25
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_26
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_30
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_32
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_33
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_34
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_35
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_42
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_43
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_44
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_45
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_46
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_47
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update texture reference objects
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : custom string options found
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global approximation settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global displacement settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update lights and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Sun_light
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update cameras and related shaders
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIFFNS:Pass_DiffuseNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “INDIRR:Pass_Indirect.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNormRemap.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “SPECNS:Pass_SpecularNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “DIRRNS:Pass_DirectIrradianceNoShadow.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFL:Pass_Reflection.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541!
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Warning: The frame buffer name “REFR:Pass_Refraction.Render_Cam” should be less than 28 characters, it has been automatically shortened to REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533!
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update geometry and materials
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Box001:Box001Shape
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG: no shader assigned in material” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG: no shader assigned in material
0: WARNING: Deadline is ignoring error “Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG1: no shader assigned in material” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is disabled.
0: STDOUT: Error: (Mayatomr.Shader) : Box001SG1: no shader assigned in material
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_columns
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck2_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck2_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_railings_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck_1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_stairs_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_windows_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck4_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck04_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck04_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck04_windows1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Object15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_front_lights
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts3_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck4_inner_parts2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck3_stairs
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__deck3_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck3_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck03
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_control_cabin_windows_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck1_windows_29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__top_deck_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_q
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box63
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__glass_things_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_separators
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element_antennes
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Rectangle28
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_big_navigation_element2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Sphere05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Rectangle31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_front_part__building1_misc
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_navigation_equip
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_middle_pool_boarders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_middle_pool_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_sliding_roof_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_sliding_roof_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_tennis_court
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_topdeck_windows
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_railings_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_chimney_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_main_logo
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck__tennis_lamps_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_building1_1_chimney
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : place2dTexture5.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : place2dTexture5.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : place2dTexture5.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_top_deck_lamps
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Plane102
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Line07
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3_crane
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type3_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_06
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_LIFEBOAT_type1_crane14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_BODY
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_body_engine
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Body_front_propelllers
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__1_railings
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck__2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Body_items_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_frontdeck_fence_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_frontdeck_fence2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck_0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_back_doors
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_back_items
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_railings_deck0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_building_deck0_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_stairs_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Back_Lamps
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_windows_deck0
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_liferafts_crane2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__LIFE_RAFT_PAIR_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__LIFE_RAFT_PAIR_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_liferafts_crane1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__liferaft_small_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_front_element
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_front_deck_item1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Box04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_deck0_front_pool
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo1_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo2_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__safebouy_01
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv__cargo2_02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_01
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_02
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_03
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_04
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_05
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_06
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_07
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_08
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_09
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_19
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type1_Opt_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_19
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Chaiselongue_type2_Opt_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_19
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_20
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder09
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_12
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_13
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_14
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder17
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder18
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_25
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_26
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_30
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_32
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder24
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_33
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_34
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_35
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder15
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder16
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_21
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_22
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_23
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder29
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_42
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_43
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_44
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_Cylinder31
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_45
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_46
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cerv_armchair_type1_47
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : render camera: Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.2 info : total memory: 8182 Mb
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.2 info : free memory : 5671 Mb
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : in scanline mode lens shaders may not modify rays
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 progr: begin scene preprocessing for frame 210
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : 385 geometry leaf instances (385 scheduled, 0 cached, 0 shared)
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : 1 light leaf instance
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.20 for scene preprocessing
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : allocated 379 MB, max resident 379 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : scene extent: (33.87,142.22,-1.61) : (57.52,148.33,2.20)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: scanline on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: trace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: trace depth reflection 4, refraction 4, sum 8
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: acceleration bsp2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: shadow on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: shadow maps (use) (recompute)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: lightmap on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: motion on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: shutter 0 0
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: time contrast 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: motion steps 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: luminance weights 0.212671 0.71516 0.072169
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: caustic off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: globillum off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalgather on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. mode multiframe
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. points 500
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. rays 500
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: rebuild on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. depth reflection 1, refraction 1,
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: diffuse 0, total 2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. secondary scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: samples min 1, max 3
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: contrast 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05, all buffers
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: jitter 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: filter gauss 3 3
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: face both
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: hair on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: task size 64
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: pixel preview off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: lens on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: volume on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: geometry on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: displace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: premultiply on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: colorclip raw
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: output on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: merge on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: texture cache local
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: limit dynamic
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: fb mem management mapped
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: type filter name
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgba_h yes mayaGlow
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgba_h yes BEAUTY:Pass_Beauty3618680557
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes AMB:Pass_Ambient.Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : z yes CAMZ:Pass_Depth.Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes DIFFNS:Pass_Diffus1804383788
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes DIFF:Pass_Diffuse.Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes INDIRR:Pass_Indire3780587450
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : m yes MV2N:Pass_Mv2DNorm4049725510
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes SHD:Pass_Shadow.Render_Cam
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes SPECNS:Pass_Specul3801593745
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes DIRRNS:Pass_Direct1124703942
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes REFL:Pass_Reflection16154541
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgb_h yes REFR:Pass_Refracti1463558533
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgba_h yes mayaColor
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: focal length 0.59055
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: aperture 0.792126
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: aspect 1.77778
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: resolution 1280 720
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: clip 0.1 1e+009
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: frame 210 210 0
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 progr: scheduling precomputing final gather jobs
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 progr: begin intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : rendering with motion blur
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : using scanline for eye rays
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : using BSP2 for secondary rays
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : mayabase version 10.8, compiled on Mar 11 2011.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 progr: end intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.56 for intersection prep.
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : allocated 392 MB, max resident 392 MB
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 progr: computing final gather points
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.13 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/colour body2.jpg, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.24 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/HDR/New_clouds_fromVUE.hdr, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.27 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/deck_wood2.jpeg, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.18 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/wood_type1.jpg, for reading
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.15 warn : mia_material(_x): Refractive falloff is used, but the shadow mode is not set to ‘Segment’.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.15 warn : Due to this, the falloff will be fixed, and not be influenced by distance.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.15 warn : This can look as good, but is not as physically accurate.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.15 warn : If distance-dependent falloff is desired, the ‘Segment’ mode must be used.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.11 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/dark.jpg, for reading
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 info : map cache size set to 1361 MB
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.9 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/CS_logo.jpeg, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.7 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/colour Lblue.jpg, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.21 progr: opening texture X:/Crystal/sourceimages/flags.jpeg, for reading
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finished computing final gather level 2 (pass 1 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finished computing final gather level 1 (pass 2 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finished computing final gather level 0 (pass 3 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : depth #finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 0 1595
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 1 34
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 2 33
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 3 and higher 4
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : ray type number
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : eye 76062
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : reflection 119218
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : refraction 7594
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : shadow 90719
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : environment 36868
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finalgather 372337
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : balancing updated finalgather map (1666 points)
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.09 for building the BVH for map 0
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 info : allocated 832 MB, max resident 840 MB
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:20.25 for computing finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : allocated 832 MB, max resident 840 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 progr: rendering shadow maps
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 progr: rendering finished
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:20.87 for rendering
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : allocated 651 MB, max resident 840 MB
0: STDOUT: GAPM 0.2 info : triangle count (including retessellation) : 4847204
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : Reflection rays skipped by threshold: 92212
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : Refraction rays skipped by threshold: 1477
0: STDOUT: Scene C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\jobsData\Nave_011.mb completed.
0: INFO: Process exit code: 0
0: INFO: Moving output files and folders from C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\jobsData\mayaOutput_tempenMRR0 to X:/Crystal/images
Scheduler Thread - notification targets…
Scheduler Thread - IROMAN

Alright, so now we’ll need you to open a command prompt on the machine that this rendered on, and run this:

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin\Render.exe" -r mr -v 5 -art -aml -s 210 -e 210 -b 1 -rd "X:/Crystal/images" -proj "X:/Crystal" "C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\jobsData\Nave_011.mb"

Let us know if this produces images. If it does, it might mean there is an issue with having Deadline render the frames locally first and then copy them to the network after.

Ok, it’s not wrinting anything so i think that is the file, i’ll try with another scene file.

many thanks!

Ok, now it seems to be working and wrinting, but all the machines are rendering over and over the same frame.
i put the frame range 210-620 and frame per task 3, and all the machines are rendering the 210 211 212 over and over.

Do you have Renumber Frames enabled in the Maya render settings? That would explain your problem, because each task is a separate batch, and would start from that frame number.