maya not reporting job progress

hello, I have just updated to deadline 7.1 on maya 2016 and when I send a render job to the farm I noticed that the slaves do not update the progress of the job anymore. they used to in Deadline 6 but since upgraded it does not update the progress but still renders and then marks the job as done when its done rendering the frame.

Has anyone else run into this?


I believe this was tied up with the MayaBatch plugin’s Stdout Handler and was fixed in v7.1.2.1. Are you running the latest patch release of v7.1? It will be available via the same download link that Sales sent you.

Thanks Mike, I downloaded it this morning and installed it. I will be doing some more Maya jobs this afternoon and I will let you know if that fixes it.

I was running on 7.1 install of deadline not 7.1.2.


so I have done some Maya jobs now that I am rendering with the patched deadline 7.2 and there are some more anomalies that I have run into. First of all, I have some frames that start rendering and just hang. all the frames in any job that I have submitted so far report 100% done when in fact they are still rendering. The jobs don’t stall or report an error or anything but just hang on the frame that they are working on. I have SSS in the scene (using Vray to render in Maya) and there is a prepass that gets done for the SSS before the actual render starts and I noticed that the render frame progress bar seems to follow the progress of the prepass but when it comes to the actual render the progress bar is already at 100 so it looks like the frame is done rendering when in fact it’s just getting started.

I am using maya 2016 with vray 3.0. I am trying another test where I send the job without using the mayabatch plugin and if that does not work then I am going to try and export the scene and use vray standalone. I will let you know the results of that when I have done that.


Just to confirm, you are referring to Deadline v7.1.2.1 and not the current private v7.2 beta version of Deadline?
Could we get a small, simple test Maya scene file to reproduce this issue at our end? Sounds like we need to tweak the Stdout Handler for progress in this particular setup.

yeah, I will need to package one up but I can do that. I did send the job as a maya command line job and not a maya batch job and it worked like it should, so maybe this is particular to maya batch jobs?


Hmmm…interesting, I will check with a colleague on this one. Meanwhile, a super simple demo scene file should really help here.

We have this problem too, we are on maya 2018.4 and deadline repository version, we use Arnold renderer MtoA 3.1.1
We’ve been having this problem since about a year now, I’m thinking since we moved to deadline 10, but to be honest I’m not sure because we upgraded so many things then including maya and arnold…
So just as the OP had, basically maya jobs don’t show any progress, they start and remain 0% until done, and only now I realized that the tasks don’t show any reports at all before the render is done completely.
So is it possible that this is still related to MayaBatch plugin’s Stdout handler? at first I thought this might be related to arnold at first not outputting progress percentage or something, but since when I try to see the task reports it shows nothing before the render is done completely, I believe the problem might be in something even before the render starts.

Try setting the Arnold log verbosity to “2” or indeed, try the other numbers, submit a Maya job and then see if progress works. If that fixes it, then we have a ticket already logged to fix this issue. LMK the result and then I’ll add your name to the list of people that have reported this issue (Autodesk Arnold team changed things around in their logging).

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That fixed it ! bringing the arnold verbosity to 2, or in the interface to “info” since it was on “Warnings” before.
Thank you.

EDIT : actually I noticed when changing it on the interface to “info” it doesn’t really work lol. So what I did is simply changed the default value in the SumbitMayaToDeadline.mel file in the repo,
from :
optionMenuGrp -e -select (2) $arnoldVerboseBox;
To :
optionMenuGrp -e -select (3) $arnoldVerboseBox;

Not sure if there are methods to automatize the submitter settings for users, I’ve noticed that there are some Deadline attributes in the defaultRenderGlobals node like :


But didn’t find one for the arnold verbosity.