Maya2010 VRay maya submission script


Having a problem where trying to submit a vRay scene in maya from the shelf tool submitter gives the “Animation checkbox must be on…” error, regardless of whether or not it is checked off in the render globals. Using Deadline 4.0 SP1. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Which version of VRay for Maya are you using? We’ve just upgraded to version 10861 here and we can’t reproduce this problem.


  • Ryan

How do I check the build version? The installer is from around Aug 17th, but all I’m seeing is the 1.0/1.5 version.

Ah also I added the “render History settings” popup handler

self.AddPopupHandler( “.Render history settings.”, “OK;No” )

To the mayabatch and mayacmd python scripts, which gets us through an initial problem we were having, but sometimes it gets stuck in an endless loop trying to create path “”, and the node will just kinda hang there. Not all, but one or two every once in a while. Any suggestions?


Good question - I got the version number in my post from the email sent out by our IT guys internally.

This is from the Output Window when I launch Maya on my workstation:

So definitely running version 1.5, and it was compiled only a few days ago. To be honest, I’m not sure if this is an internal/beta build or not. If it is, we might have to try and support the different versions of Maya in the meantime.

I think we’ve come up with a solution to handle the different versions of VRay for Maya. Attached are a couple of patches that should allow you to submit and render with both versions. Installation instructions are included with each attachment. Give this a try and let know if it helps.


Great, thanks a bunch trying now.

Tried it, but now running into this error. Mayabatch was still crashing. With this fix should I be enabling the mayabatch plugin? We’ve been avoiding using that and have been using the mayacmd instead, which still calls mayabatch at some points.

RenderPluginException – Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): Error in CheckExitCode(): Renderer returned non-zero error code -529697949. Check the renderer’s output.

Is this with a simple test scene? If not, maybe try submitting a very simple scene (ie: a sphere and a camera) and see if you still get the error. If you do, can you post the full render log? Just right-click on the job in the Monitor and select Job Reports -> View Log Reports.

Also, it doesn’t hurt to give the MayaBatch plugin a try. Let us know if you have any luck with it.

I should note that we’ve tested both versions of vray with the MayaCmd and MayaBatch plugin (with this patch applied), and we’ve rendered successfully in each case.


  • Ryan

Yeah same deal with mayabatch plugin. It isn’t a simple scene, a lot of dense references, but lighting wise it’s pretty simple, just a sun/sky system. I’ll try with a simpler scene now.

Ah also the odd thing is that it all works fine if I submit from deadline monitor rather than the shelf button in maya.(before the fixes provided)


We may have found the issue with animation in the actual maya globals being checked off rather than the one in the vRay globals. This might be the difference in the two submission scripts?

Edit2: That seems to have fixed it, though one or two machines get the -1073741819 error. Looking at the FAQ the fix is below, but there’s no maya directory in the plugins folder. Neither of the .dlinit files(cmd or batch) have that “RenderStartupDir=…” line either, is this still the fix for deadline 4?

The error code -1073741819 is equivalent to 0xC0000005, which represents a Memory Access Violation error. So Maya is either running out of memory, or is touching memory that it shoudn’t. If you find that your frames are still being rendered, you can modify the Maya plugin in Deadline to ignore this error.

Just add the following line of code to the Maya.dlinit file in //your/repository/plugins/maya. Note that the code below must be all on one line, and can be added after the “RenderStartupDir=…” line.

CheckReturnCode=if( ReturnCode() != 0 ) { if( ReturnCode() != -1073741819 ) { FailRender( "Renderer returned non-zero error code, " …ReturnCode() ); } }

Yeah, unfortunately we currently have to check both places. We’ll try to get this fixed for the 4.1 release so that it only checks the appropriate one based on the version of vray.

If you use the MayaBatch plugin, there is no exit code checking, so that might be one option. To ignore this error in the MayaCmd plugin, open \your\repository\plugins\MayaCmd\ in a text editor and find this section of code (ellipsis are used for longer lines to prevent wrapping):

	## Called by Deadline to check the exit code from the renderer.
	def CheckExitCode( self, exitCode ):
		if exitCode != 0:
			if exitCode == 206:
				FailRender( "Maya could not parse the command line. Two common causes for this are..." )
			elif ( exitCode == 211 and self.IgnoreError211 ):
				LogInfo( "Renderer reported an error with error code 211. This will be ignored, since..." );
				FailRender( "Renderer returned non-zero error code %d. Check the renderer's output." % exitCode )

Change it to something like this:

	## Called by Deadline to check the exit code from the renderer.
	def CheckExitCode( self, exitCode ):
		if exitCode != 0:
			if exitCode == 206:
				FailRender( "Maya could not parse the command line. Two common causes for this are..." )
			elif exitCode == -1073741819:
				LogInfo( "Renderer reported an error with error code -1073741819. This will be ignored." );
			elif ( exitCode == 211 and self.IgnoreError211 ):
				LogInfo( "Renderer reported an error with error code 211. This will be ignored, since..." );
				FailRender( "Renderer returned non-zero error code %d. Check the renderer's output." % exitCode )


  • Ryan