Could you lovely chaps create a message box that displays before the submission window comes up? I mean, Click “Submit to Deadline” > Message Box comes up and asks the user a list of questions, then the user selects “Yes” or “No”, if yes > Submission Window.
I would like to Message box to say the following:
Did you remember to pack your textures?
Did you select the proper compute device? (CPU/GPU)
Did you adjust your tile size?
-CPU: 16 X 16
-GPU: 256 X 256
Note: GPU rendering is faster however, it does not support volumetric objects, and it cannot render projects that use more than 6GB of RAM.
If the answer to all these questions is Yes, click “Yes” to continue to the Submission Window. If No, click “No”, then go back and adjust your project settings.
Well, the Blender integrated submitter calls the Monitor submitter and passes some things over from Blender in an ‘args’ dictionary.
If you wanted the custom pop-up, you’d place the code in “[repo]/scripts/submission/”. There’s a function in there called “SubmitButtonPressed()” where you would put in the pop-up and have it return if the user clicked “No”.
It looks like you can just lift this code from the submitter and change the text for it:
result = scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( "The Blender file %s is local. Are you sure you want to continue?" % sceneFile, "Warning", ("Yes","No") )