Modify Submit Job To Deadline script.

Hello everyone.
I’m wondering if there is a way to modify the script ‘Submit Job To deadline’ to supress all popup windows that pops up(e.g. confirm) before and after job is submited (including Submision Result).
I’m sending about 200-300 scenes per day to deadline and I have a little script that automates the process of opening and sending scenes to Deadline.
Any suggestions?

Are you referring to submitting from a Monitor submission script or from an integrated submitter for an application? What job type are you submitting? Which version of Deadline?

Hi, thanks for you reply, Deadline versioin is
I mean submiting the jobs from an intgrated submitter(Maya).

I see a couple of options here: You could make a backup of the Maya integrated submission script and then modify it to remove the confirmation dialogs; I’m not aware of any quick fix for that. Or you could write your own submission script, which might be a good choice if the parameters are nearly always the same.

OK. Thank you very much!