Modo - Deadline corrupting relative paths?

Hi Guys!

Ive been working on and off with Deadline and Modo, for the most part everything going fine. Just today ive begun running into this very specific issue; however it now applies to any job moving forward. Even previously correct jobs are now re-submitting incorrectly.

The issue is a Render Output Path (3D RENDER/FILES/RENDER.PNG) , is getting replaced on submission. Changing the path into - SERVER/3D FILES/3D RENDER/FILES/RENDER.PNG. The problem is my 3D Render folder IS NEXT TOO the 3D Files folder, not a child of it.

Does anyone have any ideas/fixes i can do to stop Dead line from including this redundant “3D Files” string into the path name?

I have attached a screen shot showing where the string gets changed.

Which version of Deadline are you using, I remember having a similar problem which I think was fixed