Fail on irradiance cache load - Fixed

–Content deleted to avoid confusing the thread–


:exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: WOOHOO :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

I have had a break through after an idea, irradiance cache files are now recognised and paths massaged after adding a tiny section of code to one line:-

V7.2.2.1 monitor submission plugin script /DeadlineRepository7/plugins/modo/
Line 673 is currently:-

if name == 'filename' or name == 'file' or name == 'pattern':

and needs updating to:-

if name == 'filename' or name == 'file' or name == 'pattern' or name == 'irrLName':

The same addition of 'or name == ‘irrLName’ will also work in V8.0.0.62 beta version if added to line 765.

v7.2.2.1 log for confirmation:-

2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:     Found polyRender
2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:     With file name: SERVER:Modo_Repository/Test_Scenes/Car_Anim_rebundled_22-13-29/assets/Drive_by_Cache.LXI
2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:         Raw path: SERVER:Modo_Repository/Test_Scenes/Car_Anim_rebundled_22-13-29/assets/Drive_by_Cache.LXI
2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:         Massaged path: //SERVER/Modo_Repository/Test_Scenes/Car_Anim_rebundled_22-13-29/assets/Drive_by_Cache.LXI
2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:     Found lightMaterial
2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:     Found lightMaterial
2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:     Found lightMaterial
2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:     Found envMaterial
2016-04-13 13:47:47:  0: INFO:     Found envMaterial

Now to add path change function to a designated folder. I want Modo to find said files and then replace location address while keeping filename.

So for example this fails the render due to a local file loaded, which is not on the rendernodes (they do not have D:/ mapped or present):

2016-04-13 14:05:22:  0: INFO:     Found polyRender
2016-04-13 14:05:22:  0: INFO:     With file name: D:CAR_MODOMAN.LXI
2016-04-13 14:05:23:  Scheduler - Notifying Pulse of job start progress...
2016-04-13 14:05:27:  0: WARNING: D:CAR_MODOMAN.LXI could not be found
2016-04-13 14:05:27:  0: INFO:         Raw path: D:CAR_MODOMAN.LXI
2016-04-13 14:05:27:  0: INFO:         Massaged path: D:/CAR_MODOMAN.LXI

I want this to be updated to my preferred folder containing all assets :-
Ideally to produce this:-

2016-04-13 14:05:22:  0: INFO:     Found polyRender
2016-04-13 14:05:22:  0: INFO:     With file name: D:CAR_MODOMAN.LXI
2016-04-13 14:05:23:  Scheduler - Notifying Pulse of job start progress...
2016-04-13 14:05:27:  0: WARNING: D:CAR_MODOMAN.LXI could not be found
2016-04-13 14:05:27:  0: INFO:         Raw path: D:CAR_MODOMAN.LXI
2016-04-13 14:05:27:  0: INFO:         Massaged path: D:/CAR_MODOMAN.LXI
2016-04-13 14:05:27:  0: INFO:         Updating path to designated folder: //SERVER/Modo_Repository/Test_Scenes/Car_Anim_rebundled_22-13-29/assets/CAR_MODOMAN.LXI
2016-04-13 14:05:27:  0: INFO:         Updated path successfully: //SERVER/Modo_Repository/Test_Scenes/Car_Anim_rebundled_22-13-29/assets/CAR_MODOMAN.LXI


Hey Tim,

I just found this site which has a list of the item types so I am going to add all of the filepath elements in there. After Massaging the paths it should already be pathmapping the file so if you have the pathmapping set up that should all work.


Yes after I posted that I remembered about the path mapping and option to set a project folder.

I have a few additional resources similar to that channel reference which I will post later as well.

My further tests were good using and Modo 801, I should have time to further test this evening.


FYI, Grant tells me it’s been fixed in 8.0 since before release, so everyone who is having irradiance cache issues should get on the 8.0 bandwagon for a fix.