Mousewheel scaling

Mousewheel scaling in the undocked Curveeditor is not functionable.

I think this is a Known Max Limitation.

Is there a standard Max curve editor anywhere in 3ds Max (not 3rd party) that supports the mouse wheel?
I looked at the Loft Deformations floating curve editors and the docked Color Map control in Bitmap texture map in Material Editor and neither of them supports the wheel (because when they were written, there was no mouse wheel support in Max even for the viewports). There is also no word about mouse support in the curveControl documentation…

Arent these the same libraries as used in Trackview? There its possible…

Not at all. The Trackview was rewritten from scratch in 3ds Max 5.
The curve controls in other areas of Max including the exposure to MAXScript date from the very beginning of Max (the ones in the Loft evenfrom before v1.0)