I have a working custom deadline submitter which sends the job using:
My aims:
- To add one click multi camera submit capability (with different Max / Vray RAW / Vray Separate output paths and altered frame sizes per camera)
- For the Max file to be saved only once (reduces submit time on heavy jobs):
I found Bobo’s wonderful script: “SMTDWorkflow_MultiCameraSubmit”
It uses “SMTDFunctions.SubmitJobFromUI” instead of the above mentioned “waitForCommandToComplete”
I cannot switch to Bobo’s script as my submitter does some bespoke stuff which I need.
If I develop my script, can either “SubmitJobFromUI” or “waitForCommandToComplete” achieve my aims listed above?
My first guess is the below code, but I cant see how I should force all those different paths and frame sizes (defined in the one saved max file) to be overridden.
SMTDFunctions.SaveMaxFileCopy maxFileToSubmit --run once
For c = 1 to AllcamNames.count do
local SubmitInfoFile = SMTDPaths.tempdir + “\\max_submit_info_”+ AllcamNames[c] + ”.job
local JobInfoFile = SMTDPaths.tempdir + “\\max_job_info_” + AllcamNames[c] +”.job
SMTDFunctions.CreateSubmitInfoFile SubmitInfoFile
SMTDFunctions.CreateJobInfoFile JobInfoFile
local initialArgs="\""+SubmitInfoFile+"\" \""+JobInfoFile+"\" \""+maxFileToSubmit+"\" "
result = SMTDFunctions.waitForCommandToComplete initialArgs SMTDSettings.TimeoutSubmission
Many thanks for any steer in the right direction!