Multiple frame commandline or python task

Is it possible in Deadline to submit multiple frame cmdjob or python job?

I have cmd line task which has to be ran for every frame rendered.
ptcmerge cloud.0001.ptc cloud2.0001.ptc cloud_mix.0001.ptc
ptcmerge cloud.0001.ptc cloud2.0002.ptc cloud_mix.0002.ptc
ptcmerge cloud.0001.ptc cloud2.0003.ptc cloud_mix.0003.ptc

I was able to submit it as 1 job, so 1 slave goes through every frame, but takes lots of time and this way it here is bottleneck when rendering only one shot. I can also create 50 jobs for each frame, but Monitor is very cluttered after.

Any way to combine multiple jobs into one like this?

Uh, found it. Never tried submitting command job manually in Deadline, always through script and I didn’t see option. Got it now.

Let’s optimize things now :slight_smile:

Where am I making a mistake?

Plugin=CommandScript Name=testSubmit Comment= Department= Pool=generaterib Group=none Priority=50 FramesList=0-14 TaskCount=15 TaskTimeoutMinutes=0 EnableAutoTimeout=False ConcurrentTasks=1 LimitConcurrentTasksToNumberOfCpus=True MachineLimit=0 Whitelist= LimitGroups= JobDependencies=003_050_999_1c713b76 OnJobComplete=Nothing InitialStatus=Active Frames=15 ChunkSize=1

Submitting this with 15 lines long .txt commands file. I want each to be separate task

It looks like you have some extra properties in there. For example, FrameString and TaskCount are not valid submission properties. You can find the list of supported properties here: … _Info_File

I think all you need to do is change your Frames property to 0-14:

That should do the trick.


  • Ryan

Works like a charm, thank you!