Is it possible to have 10 pc nodes and 6 dual quadcore macpros on the same deadline render farm? Can the repository run on os x server?
if so has anyone had problems with multiple platform renderferms?
Sorry for so many questions but i can’t find any info on this subject…
Hi Aldo,
For the most part you should have no problems running multiple operating systems within the render farm. As long as all the machines have access to and can read/write on the repository it should be fine.
One issue that you may run into, however, is with network paths (for input and output paths). To handle this, Deadline includes a feature called Mapped Paths which will translate paths that Deadline is aware of based on the operating system.
For example, if you use the network path “\somemachine\somepath” on a PC you would likely want to use “/Volumes/somemachine/somepath/” on a Mac. You do have to explicitly specify the paths to translate, and this only works on paths that Deadline is aware of, which depends on the software you are rendering with. What software are you rendering with?
Hi, we’re using maya 2009. If possible we’d like to use after effects cs4 also. The repository will run on os x 10.6 server.
Thanks for your reply!
Hi Aldo,
Cross platform Maya rendering is pretty straightforward. As long as everything is relative to the Project path and Output path, and your Path Mappings are set up correctly, everything will just work.
After Effects requires a little more work. Your AE project file needs to be on the network, and any footage it uses must be in the same network folder, or in subfolders. Then when you submit the job, make sure not to enable the Submit AE Project File option. When the nodes go to load the AE project file off the network, if they can’t find the footage using the paths stored in the project file, they will search the project folder and any subfolders to find the footage. As long as you follow this guideline, and your Path Mappings are set up correctly, you should be fine.
Having the repository on a OSX 10.6 server will work fine too.