New slave errors

Why do I get this nonsense in the SlaveInfo file?


I enabled IPv6 (even though I don’t use it at the studio), I tried to stop/start the deadline service, even deleted the slave and added it again. But I still get this nonsense setup and when I try to shut the slave down remotely or try to stop the slave etc… I get the stupid error: The requested address is not valid in its context

What is this?! How can I avoid such nonsense?

This is an issue we just discovered last week. Sometimes, a machine that has an IPv6 capable interface will list the IPv6 loopback address as the first IP Address, and that’s what Deadline ends up using.

We will be working around this in 5.1 by choosing the first non-loopback address.

I think the ultimate solution would be to store all valid IP addresses in the slave info, and let the user override the one that Deadline uses where necessary.


  • Ryan

Yep, that sounds good.

Also, there was an issue with the USER listed in the SlaveInfo file. When I set the machine up for the first time, the user was set to SYSTEM, when I manually turned off and on the machine (which helped, by the way) the user got changed to my local admin account correctly. That might also have something to do with the error?

That’s interesting. The problems could be related, although it’s not obvious why this would be occurring.

Glad to hear a reboot fixed it for now.


  • Ryan