in the past I have used the following .cmd file to submit and render thumbnails for our internal model library:
c:\program files\autodesk\3ds Max 2014\3dsmaxcmd.exe
-outputName:“m:\filename.jpg” -w:800 -h:800 “m:\filename.max” -submit:servername -priority:50 -gammaCorrection:1 -stillFrame -preset:“m:\Preset.rps”
What this does is render a .max file and saves out an image with the same name (no 0000) using an external render preset
When I try to recreate this using the “3ds Command Job”, I’m having problems getting the “-stillFrame” and the “Preset.rps” settings working…
(the -stillFrame is used to avoid the 0000 padding of the output file names, since I need them to have the same name as the max files)
so am I missing something, or are those 2 features not supported?
ps I also tried using the “3dsmax Job” option, but here I can’t find any options to specify the output file name? (there are no outputs defined in the max files) but it does solve the preset problem since I can just call that using a PreFrameScript, but I can’t do that using the “Command Job”?