Newbie question

i made a smoke with fumefx and added pflow to scene and added fumefx birth and follow but particles doesnt follow the smoke exactly,when i render the smoke directly in krakatoa without using pflow,there is a huge difference,what to do to solve this?one more que. when shading this smoke i want to make the beginning of smoke blue and mid range is pinj and with a map,how to do it,here is what i did(hardly) using light

Is the Krakatoa direct render the same as a FumeFX render? Meaning, is the Pflow wrong, or is the Krakatoa render wrong? Which one is least like the FumeFX render?

The krakatoa rendering is the right one,pflow is wrong,when i render the smoke directly in krakatoa,the way of smoke is the exact way as fumefx smoke that i see in fumefx preview.Any help?

Krakatoa creates and renders a particle per voxel. PFlow+FumeFX operators advect the velocities stored in the voxels, thus driving particles around. You will never get the same result because what FumeFX previews and Krakatoa renders is not particles moving through space, but static points in space representing the voxels that contain the data. The integration step, the velocity magnitude vs. the voxel size etc. will have a significant influence on the final result and it will never be the same as the directly rendered particles. It is just the way it is. PFlow is not wrong, just different.

Hehe… One could argue that PFlow is wrong, at least if you’re expecting it to represent the data from FumeFX. The tools that convert from voxel to particle aren’t terribly robust, and result in guttering and other unpleasantness. It may be better than nothing, but users need to know that it has caveats.

thank both of you.i am just gonna ask sth out of the subject,will there be any video tutorial for magma flow?i dont know eng much,so even if i do the same thing what pictures show me i cant get the same result,my eng. is bad,so i dont understand whole text and do sth. wrong,so if there would be any visual,video tutorial about it,it would be great,just a suggestion.

Yes, video tutorials are planned in the near future.
I just need to find some time to record them.

thank you Bobo,that would be excellent.