NIM not showing up as option in Draft


I’m trying to submit .movs to NIM using ‘Submit’ -> ‘Processing’ -> ‘Draft’ from inside the Monitor… and Shotgun shows up under the “Project Management” drop down (as I’ve enabled the event plugin inside the repository settings) but NIM does not show up. I have enabled the NIM event plugin and provided a NIM API web address… However, NIM does not show up as an option at all in this drop-down list.

The NIM drop down is active when clicking ‘Pipeline Tools’ inside the Nuke Submitter, but I’m more interested in submitting using this panel, outside of Nuke, as that would be really helpful for us. Is this a bug… or is there a specific reason why Shotgun shows up but NIM doesn’t…?

Here’s a screenshot:


Looks like something got missed here.

If you’re on Deadline 10.1, line 138 in C:\DeadlineRepository10\submission\Draft\Main\ should read:

integration_dialog.AddIntegrationTabs( scriptDialog, "DraftMonitor", addDraftTab = True, projectManagements = ["Shotgun","FTrack","NIM"], fromDraftSubmitterFlag = True, firstFrameFile = firstFrameFile )

The important bit being that NIM is added to the list of ‘projectManagements’ in case the line numbers don’t match up for you.

Once that’s added, NIM should show up on that list, and NIM Fields should replace the Shotgun ones you’re seeing now.

Let me know if you have any issues, and I’ll see what I can do!

Thanks Justin, that worked!

I am on the latest Deadline by the way, so I think this might need to be fixed on your end too for the next release (so my edit to this file doesn’t get replaced again with one missing the “NIM” option)


Hey Shaun,

Was just chatting with one of the devs who looked into my bug report - there’s two parts to this issue, the obvious one(fixed above) and a more complicated non-obvious issue that won’t be able to get fixed up. But once it’s resolved I should be able to snag the fixed files and put them up here.

So that’ll probably still blow up on you, just warning.


ah, ok - not to worry. Thanks for looking into it for me