hi Ryan,
first of all, thank for you kindeness response every time.
In this time, I have no alpha channel in TGA format file with tile base rendering.
not every frames, some frames have alpha channel, some frames don’t have alpha channel.
I tested both check batch and uncheck batch. I’m using XSI6.5 and deadline 3.0
This sounds like a known issue that was resolved in the latest version. Are you running 3.0 or 3.0 SP1? If you’re running 3.0, try upgrading and see if that helps. If you are running 3.0 SP1 and you are still having this problem, can you possibly render some simple tiles (2x2) that reproduces the problem, zip them up, and post them? We can then use them to try and debug the problem.
- Ryan
Hi Ryan,
here is the file has a problem.
charater.zip (1.11 MB)
Yup, we were able to reproduce this. Have you tried other image formats? I’m just curious if the alpha problem is only related to tgas or not.
- Ryan
Hi Ryan,
I tried other format sgi and tiff. Both format had same problem.
Each tile piece had alpha channel, but assembled image did not have alpha channel.
I think there is a problem processing assemble tiles.
how can I resolve it?
The problem appears to be in the tile assembler application itself, so unfortunately there really isn’t anything you can do on your end. We have it on our todo list to get it resolved for the next release, but that won’t be until the new year (maybe February or March).
- Ryan