NOOB question - simple h.264 encoding

Ok, fantastic! So annotations work, image composition works, I’m starting to get the logic behind Draft, finally :smiley:

However, I’m still in the dark as to how to pull parent job info data.

I use the implemented Deadline event job submission process, meaning that after the render job finishes, the Draft job picks it up. But I need to source the file paths users provided in the submission dialog in the Draft processing.

I need the “OutputBox” control object’s contents from the submission dialog.

Is there any simpler way than to search for the parent job ID, then pull the job’s data based on the ID and then parse everything from the job data to find the one specific field I’m looking for?

Thank you in advance, you’ve already helped me tremendously!

Allright, got it all working.

Thank you again, guys, very much appretiated! :slight_smile:

OH! I’m glad to hear it. Sorry I’ve been away from the forums the last few days. If you need anything else, just let me know!

Thank you, I very much appreatiate your help! :slight_smile:

I finally managed to wrap my head around Draft’s logic and the way the Event plugin works, so all is fine now and working. :slight_smile: