[Noob] Submitting a maya job remotely without having to put files (textures etc) in Repository

Hey guys, extreme NOOB here,

I’m working on setting up a render server architecture for our school,
we have a GPU based render farm box thing with 8 GPU’s on which we are able to render with Redshift.

The problem is that now, we still need to manually put files in de repository, which is sub ideal.
A lot of students need to be able to access the render server, and we’d like to have it be as safe as possible,
without direct access to the server in question. We’ve had students mine crypto currency on our architecture before… :frowning:

So the basic gist is, we’d like students to be able to press the deadline button and not have to worry about
having to move over their files to the repo where other people can meddle with them.

Can someone give us some pointers on:

  • If this is even possible
  • Which tools we need to make it work if it is

Much thanks in advance!

I have limited expirience with this since we just use a storage server in our setup (not the repository), but from my limited expirience which mostly stems from the max/max vray submitters but also some from the maya submitter, there shouldbe a checkbox that says something like “Submit scene with job” or “Submit files with job”. From my understanding this should attach the project file and presumably any texture, model or other external file when you send the job to your render nodes.