Nuke 6.1 & Deadline 4.1

Hey there,

How do i go about setting up the submit script for 6.1? I’ve followed the steps in the manual for 5.0 but i get an error about:
m.addCommand("-", “”, “”)
m.addCommand(“Submit To Deadline”, “nuke.tcl( “SubmitToDeadline” )” , “”)

being in the

am i putting it in the right place?



Because path of Nuke in Deadline 4.1 incorrect (Defualt path of nuke in Deadline 4.1 is 6.0 not 6.1)

look at location \DeadlineRepository\plugins\Nuke

Step 1. open Nuke.dlinit by note pad or edit plus

General Plugin Settings

About=Nuke Plugin for Deadline

Nuke Specific Plugin Settings

RenderExecutable4=C:\Program Files\D2Software\Nuke4.5.14\nuke4.5.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\D2Software\Nuke4.5.14\nuke4.5.exe;/usr/local/Nuke4.5/Nuke4.5;/Applications/Nuke4.5/
RenderExecutable5=C:\Program Files\Nuke5.0v1\nuke5.0.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuke5.0v1\nuke5.0.exe;/usr/local/Nuke5.1v2-32/Nuke5.1;/Applications/Nuke5.1v2/
RenderExecutable6=C:\Program Files\Nuke6.0v1\nuke6.0.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuke6.0v1\nuke6.0.exe;/usr/local/Nuke6.0v1/Nuke6.0;/Applications/Nuke6.0v1/

now your nuke path work on Nuke6.0, change path of red text to your nuke version exp.

RenderExecutable6=C:\Program Files\Nuke6.1v1\nuke6.1.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuke6.1v1\nuke6.1.exe;/usr/local/Nuke6.1v1-32/Nuke6.1;/Applications/Nuke6.1v1/

save and close

Step 2. open Nuke.param by note pad or edit plus

Category=Render Executables
Label=Nuke 4 Render Executable
Default=C:\Program Files\D2Software\Nuke4.5.14\nuke4.5.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\D2Software\Nuke4.5.14\nuke4.5.exe;/usr/local/Nuke4.5/Nuke4.5;/Applications/Nuke4.5/
Description=The path to the Nuke 4 executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.

Category=Render Executables
Label=Nuke 5 Render Executable
Default=C:\Program Files\Nuke5.0v1\nuke5.0.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuke5.0v1\nuke5.0.exe;/usr/local/Nuke5.1v2-32/Nuke5.1;/Applications/Nuke5.1v2/
Description=The path to the Nuke 5 executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.

Category=Render Executables
Label=Nuke 6 Render Executable
Default=C:\Program Files\Nuke6.0v1\nuke6.0.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuke6.0v1\nuke6.0.exe;/usr/local/Nuke6.0v1/Nuke6.0;/Applications/Nuke6.0v1/
Description=The path to the Nuke 6 executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.

Category=Licensing Options
Label=Slaves To Use Interactive License
Description=A list of slaves that should use an interactive Nuke license instead of a render license. Use a , to separate multiple slave names, for example: slave001,slave002,slave003

now your nuke path work on Nuke6.0, change path of red text to your nuke version exp.
C:\Program Files\Nuke6.1v1\nuke6.1.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuke6.1v1\nuke6.1.exe;/usr/local/Nuke6.1v1-32/Nuke6.1;/Applications/Nuke6.1v1/

save and close

luach deadline monitor > tool(super user mode) > Configure Plugins will show like this

This example I fixed it on Deadline 3.1 SP1 and many new version software working :slight_smile: but some software not working

hope you enjoy it :slight_smile:

thanks for that. i think i’ve got that plugin side sorted. As for the client side. i can’t seem to get the 'submit to deadline tab to appear because of the error above. Any ideas?

Are you using a user If so, you probably haven’t defined m. Try something like this:

dl ='Nodes').addMenu("Deadline")
dl.addCommand("Submit to Deadline", "nuke.tcl( \"SubmitToDeadline\" )")

This also assumes SubmitToDeadline.tcl is in your Nuke plugin path somewhere.