Hello, I’m having a problem with rendering using deadline slave daemon (centos 7.6)
when I configure the daemon to run as root by editing the user parameter from /etc/init.d/deadline…
the node can render but all logs are locked and unreadable in deadline monitor. So on a failed job I have no idea what’s going wrong
when I configure the daemon to use a specific user, logs works but render wont start and will return :
STDOUT: Password: su: Authentication failure
then nuke task failed
How can I fix both problems please ?
I’m on centos 7.6, deadline 10.0.27, both client and repository
hello, thanks for your help
actually, all users have the network access to render
I have tried settting daemon as root then enabling Render Jobs As User with sudo (instead of su) :
render OK but still unreadable log from deadline (like rendering as root user)
about the link you shared, I’m not sure what I’m suppose to do
as the daemon is running as root, i guess ti’s the launcher too, right ? and as i’m running the slave on the same machine I work on, the root user can do anything
what do I need to change to make those logs readable ?
So if you can only run as root, for now and read the logs, you could create a OnJobCompleted event that would run a chmod -R 777 on the log folder.
This event would run after each job and set the log folder so that anyone could read it.
lastly, what user are the jobs submitted as, and in Manage Users, do you have another user setup as the Render as user?
When the slave runs on the linux machine, what user is it running as?