nuke Concurrent Task rendering  


I have a technical problem here.
Could you please answer me about the render settings?

I want to make a rendering the Nuku project on “deadline”, and need to know how to change the settings.
How can I choose “Concurrent Task” from “Submit to deadline”?

What I could do is…

Nuke > render > Submit to deadline
C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\DeadlineRepository\submission\Nuke

add the contents from “SubmitNukeToDeadline.tcl”

value of “ConcurrentTasks” exported to here
C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\DeadlineRepository\jobs


To get this value of “ConcurrentTasks=8” to the rendering

C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Films\DeadlineRepository\plugins\Nuke

Called by Deadline to get the render arguments.

def RenderArgument( self ):

Enable verbosity and execute the Nuke script (as opposed to editing it)

renderarguments = “-V -x”

threads = GetIntegerPluginInfoEntryWithDefault( “Threads”, 0 )
if threads > 0:
LogInfo( “Using " + str(threads) + " threads for rendering” )
renderarguments += " -m " + str(threads)

ramUse = GetIntegerPluginInfoEntryWithDefault( “RamUse”, 0 )
if ramUse > 0:
LogInfo( “Limiting RAM usage to " + str(ramUse) + " MB” )
renderarguments += " -c " + str(ramUse) + “M”

ConcurrentTasks =

What should I write after “ConcurrentTasks = ”?

Do I also need to change the settings on Nuke.options?

Hi there,

ConcurrentTasks=8 should be placed in the nuke_submit_info.job file, not the nuke_plugin_info.job. ConcurrentTasks is a generic job option, so you don’t have to do anything with it in the actual plugin. Just specifying it in the job info file is enough.

If you’re interested, see this link for the complete list of job options that can be specified in the job info file: … _Info_File


  • Ryan