I’am having error message when trying to create dependencies on nuke.
Error message :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File"DeadlineUI\Forms\GeneralForms.py",line 279, in openJobDependenciesForm
InvalidOperationException: can not create two instances of DeadlineApplicationManager
…etc etc…
I first think of a bad finished process, so I redo it on Fresh start system but same issue.
It Only Do it on the machine where Pulse is Running Only if I have Web service Running…On other machine Runing Fine, and Runing Fine also if I don’t have Web service ON.
So I did some testing here, and I was not able to reproduce what you are saying. I tested the following
-Pulse not running, integrated submitter in nuke 8.0v1
-Pulse not running, monitor submitter
-Pulse running, web service off, integrated submitter in nuke 8.0v1
-Pulse running, web service off, monitor submitter
-Pulse running, web service on, integrated submitter in nuke 8.0v1
-Pulse running, web service on, monitor submitter
I was not able to get it to error like you saw. Can I have you go through the integrated submission script process to make sure you have the latest files from your Deadline 7.0.3 install? Let me know how these docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ript-setup instructions work for you.
So it’s on Nuke 9…the submiter work, it’s only when I try to create dependencies job (start this job when this one is finished) on the integrated nuke submitter with pulse service On wich I have the eror, else the submitter work well and it’s only exist on the machine running Pulse(so the web service), all ather slave are ok and work like a charm.
As soon as web service is OFF, everything is ok…
I’ve been unable to reproduce this issue using Nuke Std/Studio v9.0v4 on Win7x64 OS and OSX 10.9.5, by all the tests that Dwight previously tried on v8.0.
What OS are you using? If your not on OSX, do you have an environment variable called “DEADLINE_PATH” in your system? In a terminal/shell, if you type “set” without the quotes, is this displayed? If not, it might be worth trying to re-install the Deadline Client software and making sure you reboot your machine. Does that make a difference?
i think we’re getting the same error here. At least sometimes. Unfortunately, it’s very random and we haven’t found any specific way to reliably reproduce it. Attached is a screenshot of the error message. It happens right after clicking the ‘Dependencies’ button in the submitter panel.
This is with Deadline on Win7Pro 64bit with Nuke8.0v6. The env ‘DEADLINE_PATH’ does exist and is set properly.
Hi Holger et al,
We were never able to reproduce this issue. Do you have any steps which reliably produce this issue on one of your machines? Does it make any difference if 1 or more Deadline applications such as Monitor and/or Slave are also running on this machine at the same time? I’m having no luck in reproducing this one, so need a bit of help to narrow it down
unfortunately, so far there’s no reliable scenario. But i will forward your questions to my colleague who’s been experiencing this fairly often recently. But you can most likely expect that at least the Slave won’t be running in parallel when he’s working. The Monitor probably yes. But i’ll ask him to keep an eye on whether the Monitor’s running or not when he gets that error.
I’m getting the same error, but in Maya. I’ve tested with monitor open/closed, no slave running, restart pulse. Limits and other requesters still work fine.