Nuke Deadline Issue

Has anyone else had problems during installation of the submit to deadline command for Nuke?

Following installation,the Thinkbox button has shown up in the Nuke gui. When pressed, Nuke pauses for a second (as if contemplating on bringing up the submission dialogue?) but then nothings happens. It seems to be correctly installed however as it gives the expected warning ‘The Nuke script must be saved before it can be submitted to Deadline’ when pressed in an empty script. I have placed the into the plugins folder, and also added the addiotanl lines to the

Any ideas?


Do any errors show up in the Nuke console?

Also, is it possible you grabbed the Nuke script from the submission folder in the repository instead of the one in the clientSetup folder? The clientSetup script does some initialization and then calls the submission script. If you’re calling the submission script directly, that might explain the problem too. You probably know where the page is already, but here’s the link just in case: … _and_Later


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan

Thanks for the quick reply!

Yes I aquired the script directly from that page. I’m using 6.0 and so made sure to use the version 6 script as well. I also used the install integrated submission scripts tab within the deadline monitor to install the additional python files.

I’ve run the submission script again and looked at the script editor - it appeared as follows:

Appending “//*********/DeadlineRepository/submission/Nuke" to system path to import SubmitNukeToDeadline module
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:/Program Files/Nuke6.0v1/plugins\”, line 22, in main
SubmitNukeToDeadline.SubmitToDeadline( path )
File "///DeadlineRepository/submission/Nuke\", line 344, in SubmitToDeadline
if not IsMovie( filename ) and not IsPadded( filename ):
File "//
/DeadlineRepository/submission/Nuke\”, line 170, in IsPadded
elif lowerPath.find( “#” ) > -1:
NameError: global name ‘lowerPath’ is not defined



Thanks for the error message!

Which version of Deadline are you running? That sounds like a bug from an older version. If you’re running 4.1 SP1, here’s a patched version that fixes numerous bugs in the script:

Hi again Ryan

You were spot on! I placed the file into the repository and the dialogue popped up straight away. Fantastic! Thanks for all the help!
