Nuke return back to render frame that rendered again

Hi all, I have problem when I submit to deadline I dont know why deadline will return back to render frame that rendered again

Exp. I submit nuke job fram -75-0

I know the problem has born because my start frame start at minus (-75) but how ever to fix it, I must to render at minus frame number :frowning:

Hi there,

This may actually be a limitation with Nuke’s command line renderer (which Deadline uses for rendering Nuke jobs). I’ve tried a bunch of different formats for negative frame ranges from the command line without using Deadline, and Nuke just seems to throw it away and render all the frames in the script. I can render negative frames from the Nuke UI just fine though.

I’ve contacted The Foundry’s support team and asked them how we can render negative frames from the command line. I’ll report back when I have more information.


  • Ryan

The Foundry’s support team has confirmed this is a known bug (bug #6869). The workaround they’ve suggested is that we use the -F argument to specify the frame range, so we’ll have to modify our Nuke plugin to do this for Nuke 6 and later.

I’ve attached a patched version of the Nuke plugin for Deadline 4.1 which allows you to render negative frames.

To install, go to \your\repository\plugins\Nuke and backup the file. Then unzip the attached file to the same folder. Submit a new Nuke job and let us know if this works for you.

Please note though that this patch is only intended for Deadline 4.1.


thanks… helped a lot! :stuck_out_tongue: