Nuke submission error 'expecting a string or number, unicode found'

When I try to open the submitter in Nuke11.2v3 I get this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/[username]/.nuke\", line 77, in main
SubmitNukeToDeadline.SubmitToDeadline( )
File "//[HOST]/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Nuke/Main\", line 2088, in SubmitToDeadline
dialog.pool.setValue( DeadlineGlobals.initPool )
TypeError: expecting a string or number, unicode found

I could comment out the setValue line for pool (2088th line) in the file , but I get the same issue in the next line. For now the workaround I found to be able to open the submitter is commenting either all the setValue lines from line 2088 to line 2131 or the lines where the values are taken from the sticky file (from 1788 to 1861) , because it seems that’s where it’s getting the ‘bad’ values from, I looked at the config file nuke_py_submission.ini and this is how it looks like :

framelistmode = Global
customframelist = 1-100
department =
pool = none
secondarypool =
group = none
priority = 50
machinelimit = 0
isblacklist = False
machinelist =
limitgroups =
submitsuspended = False
chunksize = 10
concurrenttasks = 1
limitconcurrenttasks = True
threads = 0
submitscene = False
batchmode = True
continueonerror = False
usenoderange = True
usegpu = False
usespecificgpu = False
choosegpu = 0
enforcerenderorder = False
rendermode = Use Scene Settings
performanceprofiler = False
reloadplugin = False
performanceprofilerpath =

So maybe there is something wrong with the way this file is stored? or the way the values are retrieved from it ? Since I commented out those lines I guess I won’t have persistence in the submitter settings.
I didn’t have time for further testing to find a proper solution, so I’m leaving this here for now.