I have this kind of situation - i need to add delimiter only when i am rendering several frames (animation). So is there a way to check that automatically ? For single frames i need to remove delimiter - i added line “delimiter” to INI file and it worked , though i need it now in animation sequence filename , like “render_0001.jpg” , and static should be “render.jpg” , now animation is “render0001.jpg” , i tried to edit SubmitMaxToDeadline_Functions.ms to add “_” manually , though for some reason it does not work.
The Delimiter is not being added when the “Remove Filename Padding” option in SMTD > “Render” tab > “3ds Max Pathing Options” rollout is checked. When that option is checked, single frame rendering will produce a file name without a frame number, and in that case the Delimiter will not be added either.
By default, that option is unckecked, and submitting a single frame 123 to Deadline will add 0123 to the file name, with the Delimiter, if defined and not set to “”.
Hope this helps!