It is possible to get the temperature channel from FumeFx into Particle Flow thru FumeFx Birth and access it in Magma Flow?
if not, it is possible to somehow transfer the FumeFx Temperature Channel to ParticleFloat (MXSFloat) so you can access it thru MagmaFlow?
The PRT loader will not do what we need as the particles doesn’t behave correctly (Velocity and Age).
The only solution in my head now is to create a custom file format with Temperature Channel from FumeFX at PostStep and then read each file at each frame with Script Operator from Particle Flow and assign it particleFloat
This is really a question for the makers of FumeFX - obviously, the FumeFX Test operator can compare temperature values and send out particles based on the temperature (or other channels), but I am not sure whether an actual temperature channel is created in PFlow.
A very convoluted way of doing this would be to
1.Create a PRT FumeFX object and pick the FumeFX sim. in question. Set to no Jitter
2.Copy the Temperature channel into the MXSFloat channel using a KCM
3.Save the PRT FumeFX to PRT file sequence including your MXSFloat channel
4.Load the PRT file sequence as a PFlow using the Krakatoa PRT Birth/Update operators
5.Using Box #3 (assuming you have it), sample with your FumeFX driven particles the Proxy particles of the saved PRT files
In other words, the PRT file sequence will represent each voxel of the Fume sim as a particle, and a Box #3 operator in another system could extract that data and dump it onto its particles.
I haven’t tried this myself, but it might work.
If there is a simpler way using native FumeFX operators, I would love to hear about it
Looks like a good idea… the only problem is I don’t have Box #3… Still I’ll try without box #3
Tried with FumeFx Birth and FumeFx Fallow + Krakatoa Update from PRT File… but yep… different particle count an set_particle_file_id warning in Log window
With Krakatoa Birth may work, but I don’t want PRT style of fumefx… they are not the same as FumeFx Birth/Fallow op
Krakatoa Channel Update looks like a good feature but looks like I can’t synchronize the particles ID from FumeFX Birth with Krakatoa Update
It will be great if in next krakatoa update there will be a pflow operator to map any channel from fumefx/other particle plugs to other channels by sampling the nearest voxels/particles
like the PRT FumeFX is getting voxels values, this operator can the nearest voxel to the particle and map some channel to other channel.
This is useful for krakatoa KCM as krakatoa now is more than a particle renderer… it has also some good data grabbers (RealFlow bin loader, FumeFx data, TP channels…)
Pflow would benefit a lot from having a similar op like TP’s FumeFX Probe. I would have say Bobo is spot on. There is no other way that I know of (not to say that there isn’t) other than to steal it from a PRT Sequence.
Without box#3 you really have no way to sample against another system (like a nearest particle distance, for instance).