Path translation issue


We have a weird path translation since a few weeks. I can’t really say where it comes from so I would like to ask for advice.

It is only happening when we submit from mac clients but funnily enough not every time.

Path Translation in the repository looks like this:
Path to replace: /Volumes/SAN200/
Windows: \\nyx\san200\

The log file shows:

CheckPathMapping: Swapped “/Volumes/san200/nyx_projekte/2018/2018_Siemens_Zug/35_Production_Realisierung/0000_General/10_2d/MasterTimeline/Siemens_Zug_MasterTL_PS_v001.aep” with “\\nyx\san200\nyx_projekte/2018/2018_Siemens_Zug/35_Production_Realisierung/0000_General/10_2d/MasterTimeline/Siemens_Zug_MasterTL_PS_v001.aep”

Deadline Client Version: Release (c18da6bc1)

Any idea why it is not translating the complete path?

Thanks in advance.

That looks great to me. I’ve aligned them here to make it more obvious:

    “/Volumes/san200/nyx_projekte/2018/2018_Siemens_Zug/35_Production_Realisierung/0000_General/10_2d/MasterTimeline/Siemens_Zug_MasterTL_PS_v001.aep” with 

What output are you expecting?

I just checked the logs again and you are right, other jobs rendered fine with the exact same translation. This job had a render error and it was the first thing which caught my attention. Must have been something else then.

I was pretty sure when translating from a Mac to a Windows path, all forward slashes become backslashes.

Nevermind, busy day… :slight_smile:
Sorry to bother you and thanks for the support.

It’s all good! Hopefully it can help someone understand path mapping a little better. :slight_smile: