When i run the slave resource usage report and switch off human readable copying all the percentages paste into excel as integers rather than decimals.
for example:
if a machine was idle 50 percent of the time the report puts a value of 50 in the clipboard, however mathematically it should be .5
this makes it challenging to parse and format the data correctly.
I know i can divide everything by 100, however thats a lot of calculations and duplicated data just to conform a unit appropriately.
has anyone else experienced this or am I doing something wrong.
Hi Troy,
We display all progress/percentages in Deadline Monitor as an integer 0 to 100, instead of 0.0 to 100.0. This is consistent across the whole Deadline system and your right, by disabling the “Human Readable Copying”, you will then be able to access (copy/clipboard) the RAW values, which can then be ‘post-processed’ as you see fit. f.e. paste into a pre-defined Excel worksheet into cells with formula already attached, such as /100 or /1024.
Alternatively, by keeping “Human Readable Copying” enabled, before you copy some data, then you will automatically get the correct symbols for the value you have copied.
yea, your suggestion is what I do now,
however my table has 25,000 rows (job entries) for my year to date calculations and its only April.
this means i have added an extra column to calculate the mathematically correct version of the non human readable percentage.
This very simple calculation then has to run tens of thousands of times to parse the data into a usable format.
I understand why the human readable copy does this, it is unclear why the “machine” format doesn’t use the mathematically correct values which would obviously be from 0-1 not 0-100.
its not a huge deal its just not correct right now and very calculation intensive.
perhaps i can make a request to have this looked into as a change for an upcoming version of deadline?
Internally Deadline is using an integer to store say the job or task progress, if we instead stored it as a value between 0-1, then your job or task progress would be displayed as “1%” complete which would be a bit weird, whereas 100% complete is easier to understand.
Just thinking out loud now…I wonder if we could do something with our “Farm Reports” system in the future, so when you generate a custom report, you could choose to carry out some basic unit conversion, like normalise integers, so that the exported *.tsv or *.csv is correct for you, thereby removing the necessity for post-processing in Excel, which I believe is your concern here. I shall ask…
I appreciate the insight.
This isnt killing me its just a minor friction point as I update this report every week.
Thanks again for the time to explain the logic behind how and why it is how it is.
To provide a bit more context here is a bit more information about our use case:
I have attached the chart i create to provide to my IT team as well as our leadership.
I have a version of this chart for YTD and each quarter.
The real issue is in the job data table.
Peak memory usage
average memory usage
median memory usage
peak processor usage
average processor usage
median processor usage
As you can see from this screen grab I am on track to have 60,000 plus records and 6 fields to parse meaning i am going to be ultimately performing 360,000 conversion calculations if i want to use the above listed data.
I know there are likely better tools to do this than excel, but this is what I have and what I know. That being said if anyone knows of an alternative reporting tool I am very open to suggestions.
Hey Troy,
Nice graph!
Do you fancy sending a copy of your Excel worksheet into our private support ticket system (support [at] thinkboxsoftware [dot] com).
I’d like to see if I can help with the formatting/templating of the sheet to help you in the future?
I can send it.
I actually just ripped it apart and I am rebuilding it.
I will send it over in a few weeks when i have it put back together if that’s ok?
I can post the file here if you think others would find value in it.
just let me know.
i have placed it here, if this is not appropriate let me know.
I dont care about sharing the data if it may help others.
This is still a work in progress so forgive that its a bit messy.
RenderFarmDashboard_4-29-2015.xlsx (9.37 MB)