pool deletion/creation in logs?

Are pool deletions / creations logged anywhere? We could not find them in the repository history. (deadline7)

Context: a bunch of our pools disappeared from the pool listing (but are still on all the slaves’ own pool lists). Since only a few people have the power to modify the main pool list, its highly unlikely that this was done by a user. But would be nice to check the logs to confirm.

Weirdly enough, we seem to be logging history entries basically everywhere we’re changing the list of ‘available’ pools except the Pools UI. The functions in our PoolUtils API and through DeadlineCommand to add/remove pools log entries in Repository History. The ImportSettings dialog does as well.

The only other thing that really modifies the list of Pools in the DB is the ‘Purge Obsolete Pools’ function, which removes deleted pools from Slaves’ lists. This also logs an entry in Repository History. There could be a race condition with that, but I imagine it should only possibly clobber pools that were just created.

Is it possible that the entries scrolled off the list of history entries? I know it’s become a bit spammy now with the inclusion of housecleaning/PM scans/etc… We’ll definitely add some logging to the configuration UI though, that would be the common case for needing the audit log anyways.

Nope, we had logs going back almost a day, and no changes there. I even tried creating a pool in the monitor and deleting it, it never showed up in the logs…

Yeah, sorry, I should have been clearer. The Monitor UI definitely isn’t logging the changes, which we need to fix, but everything else I can find is doing it.

So it looks like the deleted pools likely occurred in the UI if there isn’t a change log of it (unless there’s another flow I’m missing), whether or not it was an accident or a bug would be hard to know for sure… Is this the first time it’s happened to you guys?

Ah yeah, i see what you mean. Its either through the gui, or some other bug.

I THINK its the first time it happened, but to be honest i remember noticing a couple months ago that the maya2015 pool disappeared. I added it back, and thought maybe we never added that and just got lucky cause the machines picked up the ‘none’ group jobs, but that explanation never really clicked well with me.

Maybe once logging as added, we can just re-report the issue if it reoccurs?

Sure, we’ll definitely keep an eye on it here as well, and do some testing to try and reproduce… It’s entirely possible that something in the Modify Pools UI is unintentionally removing pools/groups when making modifications to the priority or something.