We are using a custom Deadline Plugin for Unreal, that allows you to submit a job that runs Unreal with a python script that is executed at startup. We’re finding that sometimes jobs get hung because Unreal dialogs pop up and wait for the user to make a choice. We have tried to use PopupHandling to ignore or handle these, but it appears that they are not being detected as popups. Are there any ways to help Deadline detect them? The popups are part of Unreal’s native Slate UI system and usually have an OK button to dismiss. If you use Spyxx to examine the popup, it says the window class is UnrealWindow.
In your custom script, can you search for this “self.PopupHandling” and see if it set to “False”. This function enables/disables the popup handling.
Also, can you share the screenshot of popup that is appearing on the screen?
You can handle popups by a function “AddPopupHandler(string regexTitle , string buttons)” it is explained here. It can be used with the title and buttons of the popup.
For example:
self.addpopuphandler(“hello”, “OK;Yes”)
This will handle a popup that has regexTitle “hello” and buttons “OK” or “Yes”
Thanks for your response. Yes, self.PopupHandling is set to True. I have a pop-up handler for some Qt-based pop ups and that is working. It is the native Unreal Pop-ups that are not working. I will take a screenshot next time one occurs.