Possible error in Plug-in Scripting User Manual


I’ve been converting older 2.7 scripts to be functional with 3.1 and have been relying on the Plug-in Scripting guide at software.primefocusworld.com/sof … _Functions and have noticed that there may be an error with the documentation, so I thought I’d give you guys a heads up:

It almost looks like the whole left column under “Plugin Configuration Functions” needs to be swapped with the whole left column “Plugin Info File Functions

For instance, when trying to get information from the job’s plug-in info file, I need to run:

  • string GetPluginInfoEntry( string Key ) -> Returns the value for the given Key from the plug-in dlinit file. Throws an error if the Key does not exist.
  • string GetPluginInfoEntryWithDefault( string Key, string Default ) -> Same as above but with a Default value to be returned if the Key does not exist. Useful for backwards-compatibility, because it will not throw an error if the Key does not exist.

In order for me to get information from the dlinit file, I need to run:

  • string GetConfigEntry( string Key ) -> Returns the value for the given Key from the job’s plug-in info file. Throws an error if the Key does not exist.
  • string GetConfigEntryWithDefault( string Key, string Default ) -> Same as above but with a Default value to be returned if the Key does not exist. Useful for backwards-compatibility, because it will not throw an error if the Key does not exist.


Brett Bronson

Good catch! It looks like we did indeed get the documentation mixed up. We’ll have to get that updated :slight_smile: