Possible to run Katana 2.5v4 on Deadline ?

I saw Deadline 8 was support Katana aleady, but possible can I submit Katana 2.5v4 over Deadline ?

Unfortunately, Katana 2.5v4 shipped after Deadline 7 was released and we only provide service pack releases for Deadline 8.0, whilst Deadline 8.1 is in beta. A number of improvements were recently added to Katana-Deadline which will shortly ship with the next service pack of Deadline 8.0. For these reasons, we are unable to officially support you if you run into difficulties with Deadline 7 with Katana.

Deadline 8.0.x (latest release)
are fully support with katana 2.5v4 (linux, win) ?!

Our studio discussions to upgrade deadline from v7 to v8 because Katana are helpful our pipeline.

A recent Windows only improvement has been made to our Katana plugin which will ship with SP12 of Deadline 8.0 which should be released this week. This SP12 release should fully support Katana. Do let us know if you encounter any issues and we can investigate. New Deadline releases are announced via here: deadline.thinkboxsoftware.com/release-mailer/