Hi there,
What you’ve described is definitely possible, and you basically have two options.
Option 1
If you are planning to have a python script create the movie file when the job finishes, then you can simply specify that script as the job’s post job script in the job info file. You’ll want to use the PostJobScript option defined here:
thinkboxsoftware.com/job-sub … ptional.29
This will give the job an extra task, and when all the regular tasks finish, this extra task will run and execute the script you specify.
Option 2
The other option is to submit a separate job that is dependent on the original. There are a couple of ways to do this. The first is to retrieve the job ID from the first job that was submitted and specify it in the JobDependencies option defined here:
thinkboxsoftware.com/job-sub … ptional.29
I know you’re hesitant to parse this information from the return output, but if you’re modifying our existing mel submission script, that work is already done for you. The WriteJobFilesAndSubmit function already returns the ID of the job it just submitted. For reference, here is the code from that function that submits the job and retrieves the job ID:
// Submit the job to Deadline
string $submissionCommand = "\"" + $submitFilename + "\" \"" + $jobFilename + "\"";
if( $submitMayaSceneFile )
$submissionCommand += " \"" + $sceneFilePath + "\"";
string $submitResults = SafeDeadlineCommand( $submissionCommand );
// Get the job id to return
string $jobId = "";
string $jobIdRegEx = "[a-z,A-Z,0-9]+_[0-9]+_[a-z,A-Z,0-9]+_[0-9,a-f,A-F]+";
$matches = `match $jobIdRegEx $submitResults`;
if( size( $matches ) > 0 )
$jobId = $matches;
You can also specify command arguments to submit multiple jobs at a time and have each subsequent job be dependent on the previous job. Find the SubmitMultipleJobs command here for more information:
Probably not. There are a few years of posts here, and with the switch over to Thinkbox and the new website, it would be quite a pain to through the posts and update the URLs. If you come across a specific broken link that you are interested in, let us know and we can update them on a case-by-case basis.