Power management IPMI start up

I am trying to do a machine start-up using the Power management tool for IPMI. My batch file works to start the machine(s) but when I put the path to the batch file in run. Pulse does not pick it up for it to work. Any ideas

Here is the path etc

C:\SMCIPMITool\Deadline_power_on.bat {SLAVE_IP}

What does the batch script contain? Is the Deadline worker configured correctly? i.e. to know which repository to connect to, etc.?

Its a very simple batch script. Iā€™m guessing it needs to have more to it in that case.

SMCIPMITool ADMIN ADMIN ipmi power up

Oh ok, it does not start deadline service explicitly.
I remember there was a thing on windows where you have to set the service to ā€œdelayed startā€ because otherwise it might fail starting because network is not available yet.

Is that start delay the Worker?

It delays the startup of deadline10launcherservice, so that it waits until the network is available.
Still doesnā€™t work all the time, I think.

Is it a Windows service or do I need to look elsewhere because I cannot find it

hello, sorry my english
have you found any solution?
i have the same problem and i cant get the .bat file to work
the bat file works when i run it.

Run Command: ā€œC:\Program Files\BMC\poweron.batā€

Bat File: java -jar GbtUtility-2.1.59.jar -H ā€œip IPMIā€ -U ā€œuserā€ -P ā€œpassā€ chassis on

How are you passing the IP address to your script? In the Monitor Iā€™d expect to see the ā€˜Run Commandā€™ like this:

Or are you hard-coding the IP address in your command? I wasnā€™t able to find a help file for GbtUtility so Iā€™m guessing at what the syntax is.

in the command I have the ip of the IPMI
IPMI ip:
slave ip:
Bat File: java -jar GbtUtility-2.1.59.jar -H -U farm -P pass chassis on

Thanks! Given that, I wonder if the issue is with your Pulse? Would you be able to share the application log for it? It will be named like deadlinepulse and te logs will be on the machine in one of these locations:
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs
Linux: /var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline10
Mac OS X: /Library/Logs/Thinkbox/Deadline10

Are you testing this script with the same user thatā€™s running your Pulse application? I canā€™t imagine youā€™d need special permissions to send the wake-on-LAN packet but maybe GbtUtility needs it.


IPv6 was generating some kind of conflict for me, when I deactivated the option in the bmc everything started to work without a problem, thank you very much for your help.

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