PreRenderTasks() vs StartJob() clarification


We are trying to find an area of a Deadline Plugin to sync some script, plugin, Python, etc directories locally to the Slave. We would like this to happen once per Job per Slave. If the Slave renders multiple Tasks on the same Job, we don’t want it to repeat the syncing.

So, PreRenderTasks() runs before every task, correct? Is there anywhere else in a Simple Plugin to put in this functionality? Or do we have to go to an Advanced plugin and use StartJob()?


Hey Paul,

I think you can use the PreLoad script to do what you want: … -_Optional

This is just an optional plugin file that you can drop in a plugin folder, and it will get executed at the start of a job. It works for Simple and Advanced plugins. This script has access to all the same functions that the plugin script does, so you can pull settings from the job to do job-specific synchronization if you want.


  • Ryan

Looks like that should do nicely!

Thanks for the quick reply!