Priority not respected?

We have a little problem with the priority…
See in screenshot :
The Nuke job has been submited with 100 priority while the XSI were submited with 50. The Nuke job was submited before any XSI jobs… basically, it should have started before any XSI jobs…
In this case, you can see the XSI jobs are Active while the Nuke one is still in queue.

The reason that the xsi jobs are being picked up first is because pools are priority based, and if you look at the order in which the slaves have been assigned pools, xsi comes before nuke. With this particular setup, your slaves will always prefer xsi jobs over nuke jobs. The priority in this case only affects jobs within the same pool.

The default scheduling order for Deadline is pools, priority, and then submit date/time. If you don’t want pools to play a role in the scheduling order, select Tools -> Configure Repository Options while in super user mode, and scroll down until you find Scheduling Settings. Change the Job Scheduling order to something like Priority_Date_Pool.


  • Ryan

Thanks Ryan…

BTW, I will start trying beta 3 on a couple of machines… I’ll let you know how it goes.
